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Alamberdara mausoleum.

Excursions on historical sights of Lebap Region.
Alamberdara mausoleum is located in the vicinities of a monument Astana-baba to the northwest from the city of Kerki of Lebap Region, It is the last Samanid's tomb - Muntasir killed in 1005. Alamberdar mausoleum - one of the samples of spiritual monuments of the Renaissance of Central Asia, best in Turkmenistan.
It is the large building, square in the plan (10,35 m), with the room blocked by a dome on arch sails. The registration of facades executed by the ornamental calculation from burned square (27 x 27 x 4,5 cm) and a figured brick is especially interesting.
Corners are fixed by octahedral columns. The entrance will be emphasized with the small portal with the arch ornamentally executed niches on the parties. During repairs the western wall was shifted from a brick of other size (25 x 25 X 5 cm) on solution from alabaster.
The carved figured bricks used in figuration of facades have various form of a trapeze, parentheses, letters Z, a triangle, a cross, etc. In 12 km from the city of Kerki Muntasir mausoleum is located. The population calls its mazar Alamberdar, or Alamdaratuchchi - "standard-bearer" who, according to the legend, was a military leader at the Caliph Ali.
The legend says, Alamberdar group appeared in the desert, all suffered from thirst. Alamberdar moved off in searches of a well and not to get lost, asked soldiers to kindle a fire at night. Having found water, Alamberdar by mistake came to fires of enemies, and they killed him.
Next morning Alamberdar associates took away his body, dealt shortly with murderers, buried the military leader ashes to the earth and erected over it the mausoleum. Historical sources testify to death and burial in 1003 - 1004 around Kerki (Medieval Zemm) Samanid of Abu Ibrahim Ismail Muntasir.
G. A. Pugachenkova also provides data on murder of Muntasir who arrived to the parking of the Arabs wandering between Chardzhou and Kerki and was killed in an ambush on command of the tax collector Arab governor Mahmoud Gaznavi.
Muntasir was buried at the beginning of 1005 in Zemm.
http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm Marstal Bektasov. 06.03.2017.