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Duzen mausoleum.

Tours on monuments of architecture of Kazakhstan.
"Duzen, son of Sandybay batyr, grandson of Tolek batyr.
Ulytau is the birthplace of the mighty,
All who are born from there are born with knowledge,
If a candle burns, it is like lightning,
And the spirit illuminated everything around like this light.
Bringing the distant with reason,
He showed his knowledge,
Your great great-grandfather Tolek batyr,
And he was a great leader.
Your father died at fourteen,
But the blow of his club is already noticeable.
When the enemy attacks you with a spear on horseback,
You were born from the legendary Sandybay.
And you are among the great Duzen baba!"
Inscription on the monument at the mausoleum of Duzen.
Tours on sights of monuments of Ulytau.
Duzen Mausoleum is located at an altitude of 440 meters above sea level, in central part of ancient cemetery of Duzen Sandybay, 705 meters from right (western) bank of Kara-Kengir River, 4.1 kilometers southwest of village of Kokolen, 19.1 kilometers northwest of village of Malshybay in Ulytau district of region of same name.
The Duzen Sandybayuly Mausoleum was built in the middle of the 19th century, in 1863 - 1866 by the Kazakh master Seraly Elamanuly by order of a large feudal lord Erdyn from the Naiman clan over the grave of his brother Zhuzden. The Duzen Mausoleum belongs to the type of domed mausoleums of a sub-square plan.
The mausoleum is a rectangle on which a 10-sided drum is installed, covered with a dome. The inner diameter of the dome is 5 meters, 4 columns 10 meters high support semi-arches decorated with small patterned tiles. The outer area of the foundation is 8.5 x 10.2 meters, the inner one is 5.4 x 5.4 meters.
The doorway of the main facade is 1.70 x 0.77 meters, the other 3 facades are laid in a diamond-shaped masonry. On the second floor there is a drum gallery, and in the corners - platforms for prayers. On the left side there is a spiral staircase leading to the gallery.
The mausoleum is built of burnt brick on clay-adobe mortar. According to old-timers, sheep's milk was added to the brick for its strength.The structure is cubic in shape with a hemispherical dome. The basis of the mausoleum is a square with the dimensions of the sides according to the internal measurement.
Portal with a semicircular arch. The archivolt rests on hexagonal three-quarter columns that stand on the ledges of the inner corners of the pylons. The arch is framed on three sides by a belt of square tiles with tiles. The frieze consists of a belt of square tiles with octagonal patterns.
The same belt runs along the upper part of the remaining walls. The front part of the side walls is decorated with herringbone brickwork. The rest of the plane of the side walls and the rear facade are decorated with figured brickwork in the form of diamonds.
The monument is significantly inferior to the Alash Khan mausoleum in terms of volumetric composition, decorative finishing and quality of construction work. In some sources, the Duzen mausoleum is mistakenly called Karamola, Zhuzden, Dzen, Zhuzden. The architectural elements of the Duzen mausoleum are similar to the Alash Khan mausoleum.
Geographic coordinates of Duzen mausoleum: N48 ° 28'56 E67 ° 38'07
«Monuments of the Central Asia». The author of M. Khahsimov. Publishing house, Saga, 2001. Samarkand. «Masterpieces of the Central Asia», Tashkent, Publishing house Sanat, 2004. www.farsah.kz. «Ancient Kazakhstan» Arias, Saki, Hun, Turkis. The children's encyclopedia of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2007, publishing house Aruna. Medoev A.G., «Engravings on rocks.Sary-Arka, Mangyshlak», Almaty, Zhalyn, 1979. Marikovskij P.I. «Figures on rocks of Southern and Central areas of Kazakhstan», Almaty, Tuganolke, 2004.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.