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Seal islands on Caspian.

Walk on boats on Seal islands on Caspian.
“Annually in the autumn here came from Southern Caspian sea of hundred thousand seals - to breed. In the beginning of XX century, here, in northern part Kulaly, there were structures and barns for storage of the seal fat. In people these constructions called settlements seals-peoples. Seals-peoples came here for a short while, artels-bands to find time when cubs of a seal yet have not reached year that alive to hammer Cudgels-chekushka and to give for processing”
Walks on boats on Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan.
Seal Islands is located in the north-eastern part of the Caspian Sea in the north-west of the Mangyshlak Peninsula, washed by the waters of the Mangshlak Bay, 55 kilometers west of Dolgiy Island in the Mangystau Region.
The Seal islands - congestion small islands in Caspian sea, territorially concerning Kazakhstan. Islands Kulaly, Sea, Mountain, New and Fishing unfriendly, droughty. This empire of the semidesertic plants which are not requiring a plenty of a fresh moisture.
Biggest of islands - Kulaly, long and narrow, covered by clay and sandy hills in height up to 10 m. of Ground are fruitless and absolutely not suitable for needs of an agriculture. The area of the Seal islands of 130 kilometers, square. The population of islands 10 peoples (2011).
Population density of the Seal islands: 0,077 persons on one kilometers square. A climate deserted, droughty. Average temperature of January: +1,5°С. Average temperature of July: +45°С. Mid-annual quantity of deposits: 150 mm. Relative humidity of air: 57 %.
The main historical event connected with the Seal islands, has occured in the summer 1667 that year about two hundred supporters of national rebel Stepan Razin (1630 - 1671) Ran from Guryev (nowadays - Atyrau, the regional center of the same area) on island Kulaly, being rescueed from an imperial penalty.
From Astrakhan on Kulaly have been sent 2690 Soldiers, armed by guns, on 40 sea planes. On September, 15th, 1667 they stormed burdyzhnyi (constructed of bags with sand) the Cossack small town. After desperate resistance he has fallen, and cossacks were to execute.
Annually in the autumn here came from Southern Caspian sea of hundred thousand seals - to breed. In the beginning of XX century, here, in northern part Kulaly, there were structures and barns for storage of the seal fat.
In people these constructions called settlements seals-peoples. Seals-peoples came here for a short while, artels-bands to find time when cubs of a seal yet have not reached year that alive to hammer Cudgels-chekushka and to give for processing.
The fur semifinished item is made of skins of young seals, in popular speech called the seal - rare, rigid, light brown. The craft was dangerous, because in the winter of an ice floe with bands tore off from islands and carried away in the high sea.
So proceeded until seals have not left these islands absolutely. In memory of their former presence there was only a name of islands. The seal islands - five small low islands in northern part of Caspian sea at an input in Mangyshlak a gulf, covered by sand and clay. Islands Kulaly, Sea, Mountain, New and Fishing are a part Mangistau of area of Republic Kazakhstan.
Islands of a strange configuration, and are located unusually enough, that speaks change of a level of Caspian sea. All population of the Seal islands consists from the several person, each of which had reasons to lodge here, far from a civilization.
To reach islands it is possible with a rare boat, and in a way can find a whole gale, with waves of four-meter height. Waves do not allow to approach close to coast, and it is necessary to reach it in usual Oarss to
Today on islands a unique reminder about Seals-peoples there were greater rusting tubs - in such once heated valuable fat. Local residents can be counted on fingers, and they do not hasten to tell about how has brought them on these wild coast.
Other inhabitants of islands - the Kazakhstan frontier guards bearing service on the only thing sea post of Kazakhstan. Frontier guards are replaced each two weeks: branch of private soldiers and two officers. The main task - to frighten off, catch and fine poachers from Dagestan that turn around of islands on high-speed «budara» - boats with powerful pendant motors.
For this purpose frontier guards have a powerful locator. Poachers of island involve because at coast of Dagestan of a fish remains very little. A life on islands hard: Water in a local well saltish therefore suits only for technical needs, and fresh here deliver from Kazakhstan.
Seals here meet seldom, and participants of the International seminar on a problem of the Caspian seal even have assumed, that these animals are afraid of islands and that for them in the long term it is possible to create artificial islands.
Last years the craft of a seal is not conducted at all, but all of them becomes equal ever less (including because of illnesses), and a problem of rescue of seals while it seems unsoluble.
Places of interest of the Seal islands - islands Kulaly, Sea, Mountain, New and Fishing, rookeries of seals.
The curious facts of the Seal islands.
Under the legend, on the Seal islands ashes Khorezm Shakh Mukhammad II (1169 - 1220 is based.), father Dzhalaliddina Manguberdi - last of governors of the state Khorezm Shakhs, the senior son II.
Curative properties of the seal fat are defined by a habit of an organism of animals to existence in extreme conditions and natural cleanliness of natural raw material. Biological tests in the Medical radiological center of Russian Academy of Medical Science have shown, that the seal fat possesses strongly pronounced radioprotective properties.
If in the beginning of XX century number of the Caspian seal made the order of one million individuals now by estimation of their Kazakhstan experts than 100 thousand In 2008 is totaled less, according to the decision of the International union of wildlife management, from a "vulnerable" category seals are moved to « a kind which is being danger », and brought in the Red book with a category « being under threat of danger».
uring a craft of a seal hammered up to 250 thousand goals into a year.
Geographic coordinates of Seal Islands: N44 ° 57'11.72 "E50 ° 23'49.70"
Alexander Petrov
photos by.