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Dzhergalan fauna.

Trip to the settlement of Dzhergalan.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Tours on the Issyk-kul hollow.
The Dzhergalan faunistic complex is in the neighborhood of the resort" Dzhergalan", in 8 kilometers from the city of Karakol, in a sandpit of the river of the same name. This place represents the deep, washed-away by river water break on which, as on the evident manual on geology, ancient terrestrial layers and deposits are easily read.
Here on a right bank of the river Dzhergalan almost full skeleton of a mammoth, the lower jaw of a bison, a jaw and teeth of a donkey, tooth of a mammoth were found. All complex is of great value for science, in particular, for studying of a paleolith in Issyk-Kul as on coast of Issyk Kul, in its western part.
The settlement of the hunters who were engaged in processing of skins and bones of these animals was found (the parking Salamat-Bulak). In the Dzhergalin section archeologists found a fragment of a tusk of a mammoth and remains of a glacial elephant.
Searches of stone tools were not crowned with success as there is no material for their production here. But it is obvious that hunters from far away came to this area rich with various animals.
"Encyclopedia Issyk- Kul" 1992. Bishkek.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.