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Water tower of Turkestan.

Tours from Uzbekistan to Turkestan.
“People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races. I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed”
Toba Beta.
Trip from Almaty to Turkestan.
Water tower is located on the western side of Tauke Khan Street, 307 meters northeast of the railway station, 150 meters southeast of School No. 13 named after Nauai in the southwestern part of Turkestan. The water tower of the city of Turkestan dates back to the beginning of the 20th century.
Located on the red line of the central street of the city, at the entrance to the Park of Railwaymen. Built during the construction of the Turkestan railway station (1901 - 1905). It is made at the base of baked brick with a lightweight wooden upper part.
Refers to the type of engineering structure with an architectural and artistic solution in line with the "brick style". The volumetric-spatial solution of the building corresponds to the functional purpose. It is a high 2-tier structure with an elongated octagonal in plan.
The brick tier of the tower is separated from the upper part by a wide stepped cornice. The front faces of the tower are decorated with promising niches made of semicircular arches. Sandriks above the windows with a pattern of masonry repeating the inter-tiered cornice give a special decorative effect to the facades.
The brick elements of the decor are highlighted with white whitewash in contrast to the general color background. The overall composition is completed by a wooden tier of the tower, decorated with carved moorings.
Geographic coordinates of water tower: N43 ° 17'17.78 "E68 ° 12'54.66"
"Monument history and architecture of Kazakhstan. Southern Kazakhstan area". Volume 1 - Alma-Ata. Main editorial office "Kazakh of an Entsiklopediyasa", 1994.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.