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Ancient settlement Yassy gate.

Tours from Shymkent to Turkestan.
“If an ancient man saw planes two thousand years ago
He would've thought they were birds
Or angels from another world
Or messengers from other planets”
Dejan Stojanovic.
Walk across Turkestan.
Gate of the ancient settlement Yassу are located in east wall of the remained fragment of fortress of a citadel, the XVIII-XIX centuries in Turkestan. Are executed in architectural traditions of late medieval Central Asian fortification.
The monument represents the portal building with a lancet arch flanked by 2 towers ladders. As well as the wall of fortress, a collar are topped with loopholes and teeth. Wooden two-fold cloths of gate are fixed by hinges between stone (from sandstone) the basis and a beam a crossing point.
Passes to spiral staircases of towers are blocked by a frame flooring. Steps of ladders wooden. Construction is executed from a burned brick of the "European" sample”, on limy solution, an arch - a square brick on plaster.
Fortifications are put from an adobe large-size brick. Besides ladders, in towers, the exit to the fighting course of a wall is provided with the large ladders arranged from within a citadel, along a wall, on the right and to the left of gate.
Gate are reconstructed in 1980.
"Monument history and architecture of Kazakhstan. Southern Kazakhstan area". Volume 1 - Alma-Ata. Main editorial office "Kazakh of an Entsiklopediyasa", 1994.
Alexander Petrov.