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Charvak reservoir.

Tours on the Charvak reservoir.
“Nature abhors annihilation”
Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Trip from Tashkent on the Charvak reservoir.
Charvak reservoir - the reservoir located in Bostanlyk district of the Tashkent region of Uzbekistan in the north of the area. It is on the river Chirchiq slightly below on a current of the place of confluence Pskem and Chatkal between spurs of Ugamsky and Chatkal ridges of the western Tien Shan.
It is possible to look at an arrangement of a reservoir on the schematic map of the Tashkent region. The area of a catchment basin - 3200 kilometers square. It is formed by a stone bulk dam 168 meters of Charvaksk high of hydroelectric power station.
On the shore of the Charvak reservoir is a modern tourist complex "Chorvog Oromgohi" (Pyramid) . Fresh mountain air, cool summers, abundant greenery, developed infrastructure, extensive waterways, combined with comfortable bathing coasts of the reservoir, have made this area a place of mass rest and treatment.
In the coastal area of Charvak reservoir with a long coastline of about one hundred kilometers there are numerous recreational areas, children's camps. They are interconnected by an annular way around Charvak basin and placed near villages Bogustan , Buruchmulla, Yangikurgan, Yusuphana et al.
The volume of a reservoir makes about 2 cubic km. The area of a surface of the water of a reservoir makes more than 37 kilometers square, coastline extent about hundred kilometers. Reservoir level considerably goes down during the summer period of time, its water is used for an irrigation and irrigation agriculture in the valley of Chirchiq.
Such species of fish as a carp, a marinka, a trout, a whitefish, peled are found in a reservoir. On the bank of a reservoir numerous boarding houses, recreation areas and nurseries summer sports the camp are located.
Around the Charvak reservoir there passes the ring highway connecting the settlements located on its coast.
Alexander Petrov.