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River Navolisay.

River rafting of Uzbekistan.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Uzbekistan guide.
The river Navolisay - the mountain river in Bostanlyk district Tashkent areas. Navolisay - the right inflow of the river Pskem, falls into the Charvak reservoir. Navolisay water is translated as "melodious Sai" as streams on the stony course publishes the ringing rustle reminding a game of a musical instrument.
Extent of the river Navolisaya makes 17 kilometers. Area of a catchment basin of Sai of nearly 100 kilometers square. Average height of a reservoir above the settlement of Sidzhak exceeds 1600 meters above sea level. Reservoir of Navolisay spring, snow and rain.
Water of Navolisay differs in transparency for all year, including a high water. Thanks to high transparency of water, the trout is found in Navolisay. Наволисай originates from springs on southwest slopes of the Ugam ridge, at the height about 3000 meters.
Near the mouth the river is crossed with the highway R-5 for which the only travel bridge through Navolisay is built. In upper courses of the course Navolisay the woods grow, and in lower reaches extensive nut groves were stretched.
On rocky coast Navolisay wild onions grow. In Yukori's natural boundary коклайол (The top green pasture), near the river, there are herbs which are not drying up throughout all summer period. In upper courses of Navolisay roes meet. Keklik are widespread on all valley.
Navolisay has five small inflows. The largest of them - the inflow of Yakhaksay falling on the right from passes Yakhak and Birkol.