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Gorelnik falls.

Walk and Tours near Almaty.
"I remember that winged land,
There the mountains in a cheerful crowd
Met at the green river,
As if for a watering hole"
Yuri Vizbor. "Blue Mountains".
Trekking and hiking in mountains Northern Tien-Shan.
In the Gorelnik gorge, which is located on the right (eastern) slope of the Maloalmatinsky gorge in the Zailiysky Alatau mountains, there are two waterfalls. The Gorelnik waterfalls are located near the sources of the Kuigensai stream. The name Gorelnik comes from the toponym kuigan (from Kazakh) "flowing" (this is the name for the mouth of rivers or the confluence of two rivers). The Gorelnik River flows through the gorge, which is a tributary of the Malaya Almatinka River. The length of the Gorelnik River is 5.8 kilometers, the catchment area is 12 square kilometers.
Lower Waterfall in Gorelnik Gorge is located at an altitude of 2435 meters above sea level, is located on right slope of Gorelnik Gorge, 140 meters from mouth of Gorelnik River, on right unnamed tributary of Gorelnik River, in eastern part of Kumbel Tau ridge in Medeu district of Almaty.
The height of the water fall at the Upper Waterfall is about 20 meters and consists of three cascades. At the Lower Waterfall, the height of the water fall reaches about 5 meters, the waterfall is the first on the way when moving from bottom to top.
Geographic coordinates of Lower Waterfall: N43°07'16 E77°03'11
Upper Waterfall in Gorelnik Gorge is located at an altitude of 2486 meters above sea level, is located on right slope of Gorelnik Gorge, on right unnamed tributary of Gorelnik River, in eastern part of Kumbel Tau ridge in Medeu district of Almaty.
The height of the water fall at the Upper Waterfall is about 20 meters and consists of three cascades.
Geographic coordinates of Upper Waterfall: N43°07'14 E77°03'14
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.