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Peninsula Buzachi.

Kazakhstan Tours on Mangyshlak.
“Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you've never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground”
Judith Thurman.
Travels on Mangyshlak and Caspian Sea.
The peninsula Buzachi (Buzashy, on Kazakh Bozashchy) – is in a northeast part of the Caspian Sea, in the Mangystausky region of Kazakhstan. The prevailing relief height from 5 to − 25 meters of absolute height, the greatest height of 61 meter.
The natural zone located on the peninsula Buzachi - the desert. In the south the surface of the peninsula hilly, in some places is covered with barkhan and hilly sands. In the north of the peninsula Buzachi big areas of Saline march.
In the south the peninsula is adjoined by mountains of the peninsula of Mangyshlak. Average temperature of January −7 °C, July of 26 °C. Atmospheric precipitation 200 - 250 mm a year drop out. About 40 days in a year strong winds (speed more than 15 m/s) blow.
Due to the lowerings of the level of the Caspian Sea in 1980 - the 1990th years the area of the peninsula considerably increased, then again began to decrease. Minerals of the peninsula are oil and gas (fields Kalamkas, Karazhanbas, Northern Buzachi, Auezovsky).
Highways are paved, oil and gas pipelines are built. There is an airport providing passenger and cargo air transportation for these fields. On the peninsula the Buzachinsky artesian basin is located.
Alexander Petrov.