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Pashennoye lake in Karkaraly.

A trip from Karaganda to Karkaralinsk.
"More recently, in the expanse of water
The coastal willows looked like manes,
But the wind added trouble
And the willows groan mournfully”
Anatoly Bolutenko.
A trip to Karkaraly park.
Pashennoye lake is located on the territory of the Karkaraly park in the Karkaralinskiy district of the Karaganda region. The lake is located in the intermontane hollow in the Karkaraly mountains. The lake is closed, a small Ayakoga stream flows into the lake.
The reservoir had an ancient Kazakh name - Kishkenekol (a small lake), but it was soon forgotten. People of the Orthodox faith on the shore erected a wooden cross. No one already remembers who was buried. There was another name - Grishkekol- Grishkino Lake.
Lake Pashennoye (Pashino) is one of the most popular resort places in the Karkaraly Mountain Oasis. According to one of the versions, it got this name from the meadows that border upon the lake which were used as tillages (pashnyas for Russian) by the Cossacks some 100 years ago.
Nowadays the lake is widely used for water sports: bathing, boating, katamaraning and fishing - there are the perch (Perca fluviatilis), the crucian carp (Сурrinus carassius) and the pike (Esox lucius). The lake covers an area of about 1 square kilometer and its depth does not exceed 7 meters.
It is fed by several small rivers, so water is pure, though not suitable for drinking. Cossacks as settled here, so chose this place for crops. Due to crop failures, many abandoned agriculture later. Only one person did not give up - Gregory.
The Khleborobsky soul murmured against the injustice of nature. Traces of the plow were not erased, became a landmark for the population. The length of the lake is 1200 meters, 643 meters. Abandoned arable lands gave rise to a new name - Plowed.
On the northern shore of Lake Pashennoye, there is the Shakhter recreation complex of Karaganda miners.
Advertising booklet of Karkaraly National Park, 2003.
Alexander Petrov.