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Alash Horde Museum in Zhympity.

Cultural monuments of the West Kazakhstan region.
“Whoever is timid by nature, he will not only not commit any brave deeds, but will also inspire fear in his comrades”
Thomas More, Utopia.
Museums of the West Kazakhstan region.
Alash Orda Museum is located in the village of Zhympity, Syrym district of West Kazakhstan region. At the First All-Kazakh Congress, held in the city of Orenburg from July 21 to July 28, 1917, the organizational design of the Alash party took place.
The Second All-Kazakh Congress (December 5 - 13, 1917) decided not to recognize Soviet power. To repulse in the event of the Red Army entering Kazakhstan, it was decided to create its own national army. It was proposed to immediately begin the actual implementation of the autonomous self-government of the Kazakhs, through the All-Kazakh Temporary People’s Council Alash-Orda created at the same congress - the national government, of 15 people headed by A. Bukeikhanov.
The government included the Zhakhansha and Halel Dosmukhamedovs, the Bakhytgirey Kulmanov and other representatives of the Ural region and the Bukeev Horde. Soon, the next Ural Regional Congress was held in Karatobe, which fully confirmed the decisions of the All-Kazakh forum.
The conflict between the Soviets and the Cossacks, the collapse of Soviet power and the outbreak of hostilities in the region led to the military alliance of the Alashordinians with the Ural military government, concluded on April 31, 1918, and the relocation together with the regional zemstvo administration to the depths of the Kazakh steppes - to Dzhambeyta, where, having convened on May 18 IV regional congress, they created the government of the Wilsky Oliyat from 7 people, as the western branch of Alash-Horde.
Zhakhansha Dosmukhamedov headed the western Alash-Horde, its members were B. Kulmanov (from the Bukeev Horde) and H. Dosmukhamedov, who was simultaneously elected chairman of the regional zemstvo council. Zhympity is the western capital of Alash Horde.
In this building is the hall "Alash Orda" of the Museum of Local History Syryma Datova. The hall was opened in 2012 in honor of the 95th anniversary of Alashorda.