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Memorial to victims of repression in Astana.

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“History is the best teacher with the worst students”
Indira Gandhi.
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At the heart of the monument is a simple but ancient grave construction, its height is 27 meters. A staircase of 55 steps leads upstairs, and on the right there are bas-relief images, a broken shanyrak on the wall, dried earth and people silhouettes - people weeping for innocent people who died.
The main idea of the memorial is to preserve for posterity the memory of the difficult historical period in the life of our long-suffering people. In Kazakhstan during the period of totalitarianism, more than 100 thousand people were convicted for political reasons, and over 25 thousand were shot.
According to estimates, from 1927 to 1953, about 40 million people were repressed in the USSR. The memorial is based on a simple but ancient grave construction. On a high barrow is a 27-meter trihedron covered with a titanium alloy.
The memorial was laid on June 6, 1997, on the opening day of the IV session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan. Sculptors - A. Bayarlin, T. Myrzageldin. Architects - T. Suleimenov, A. Kenzhetaev, A. Ordabaev. Located at the main entrance to the ethno-memorial park Atameken.
Guidebook to Astana.