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Lake Sarymadarun.

Nature tour to Tajikistan.
“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there”
Pascal Mercier. «Night Train to Lisbon».
Special excursion to Fany mountains.
Lake Sarymadarun (Zamin-Mulla, Zmeinoe) is located at an altitude of 2206 meters above sea level, located in the west of the Khazormech mountains, in the east of the Bartursofi tract, in the Fan Mountains between the western extremities of the Gissar and Zeravshan ranges in the Penjikent region of the Sughd region.
The lake is located in the northeastern part of Iskanderkul Lake, 334 meters from it. The length of Lake Sarymadarun, from north to south, is 221 meters, the greatest width in the middle part is 102 meters. The perimeter of the lake is 646 meters, the area is 19509 square meters.
The western shore of the lake is swampy, the eastern and southern shores are overgrown with trees and shrubs, the lake is flowing, has a triangular shape, the Serima River flows into the lake from the north-west. There are small guest houses on the eastern and southern shores of the lake.
In the northern part of the lake, the gorge of the Serima River is compressed and large resembles a rocky canyon, in the upper reaches of which there is a waterfall.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Sarymadarun (Snake): N39 ° 05'12.93 "E68 ° 22'21.17"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.