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Lisakovs Museum of History and Culture of Verkhniy Tobol region.

Tours in Lisakovsk.
"We must be the masters of art of all times and all countries"
Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky.
Excursions in museum in Lisakovsk town.
Lisakovsk Museum of History and Culture of the Verkhniy Tobol region was founded in 1991. Initially, it acted as an independent department of the Kostanay Regional History and Local Lore Museum, financed from the town budget.
The basis of the collections of the Lisakovsk Museum was made up of funds transferred from the Historical and Production Museum of the town-forming enterprise - the Lisakovsk Mining and Processing Plant. The materials were collected by S. M. Lyapustina, the founder of the museum business in Lisakovsk.
Since 1992, the transfer of the archaeological collection of the Bronze Age from the settlement and necropolis of Lisakovsk began (the author of the excavations is E.R. Usmanova, Saryarka Archaeological Institute at the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov).
The uniqueness of this collection lies in the volumetric representation of the objective world of the cultures of the Andronov cultural and historical community of the XVIIIth - XIIIth centuries. BC. The ethnographic collection, reflecting all the richness of the cultures of the multi-ethnic population of Northern Kazakhstan, has become a natural continuation of the archaeological collection.
Its composition reflects the culture of the Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Tatar and other ethnic groups inhabiting the Lisakovsk region. Since 1999, the Lisakovsk Museum of History and Culture of the Verkhniy Tobol region has been functioning as an independent cultural institution.
In 2000, the museum was transferred from the building that belonged to Orken LLP to the Ulybka kindergarten, which had empty premises. In August 2001, a new exposition of the museum was opened, which consisted of the following halls - "The Ancient History of the Steppe", "The World of Culture of the Peoples of Steppe Eurasia", "The Steppe Storeroom", "The History of the Town of Lisakovsk".
The culturological concept of the museum was defined as "A man in the history of the Steppe" The main object of attention of the museum's expositions is a person: his birth and death, change of life cycles, production activities, religious ideas, everyday life - everything that has been reflected in material culture from ancient times to the present.
In 2013, the leadership of the city of Lisakovsk and the Department of Culture of the Akimat of Kostanay region made a joint decision to move the museum to the building of the Town Center of Culture and Sports at st. Mira 32. In July 2013, museum funds and museum property were moved to a new building with an area of 427.1 square meters.
On January 28, 2015, the townspeople saw the exposition of the Lisakovsk Museum of History and Culture of the Verkhniy Tobol region, which was renewed after moving to a new building. The authors of the concept of the museum exposition are: E. Usmanova (Saryarka Archaeological Institute at the Karaganda State University named after academician E.A. Buketov), N. Zhilyaev, Yu. Budanov.
The architectural and artistic project was developed by: T. Dosmanov, N. Ivanina, D. Izbasarov, Ғ. Kenzhibekov, A. Omarov (Karaganda).
The construction of the museum exposition was carried out by the PA Creative Union “Union of Artists of Karaganda” (Head - A. Kalmakhanov). The exposition was created with the participation of specialist consultants: K. Altynbekov, G. Faizullina (Almaty), A. Kushkumbayev (Astana), A. Seitov, I. Shevnina (Kostanay), S. Botalov, N. Ivanova, V. Mosin, A. Tairova (Chelyabinsk), S. Kuzminykh (Moscow), A. Nechvalody (Ufa), T. Krupa (Kharkov). The author of the multimedia presentation for the information kiosk is D. Eshkina (Lisakovsk).
The favorable geographical position of the region, on the border of Europe and Asia, at the junction of two cultural and historical structures, nomadic and sedentary agricultural, makes it attractive in terms of the development of cultural tourism and an active regional educational policy.
The cultural heritage of peoples, ethnic identity was formed and is being formed on the banks of the Tobol River from the Bronze Age to the present. The Tobol River as a stream of time. The peoples who lived and live on the banks of this river meet in the flow of history.
The Tobol River is a meeting and transit of cultures for millennia. The slogan of the new concept of the museum: Tobol River - the image of the culture of time in the flow of history. The exposition consists of the following halls: "Ancient history of the Steppe", "Sacral room", "Lisakovsk. Economy and social life", "Traditional culture of the peoples of Kazakhstan", exhibition hall.
According to topographical descriptions and detailed thematic plans, the total number of items on display is 1874.
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