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Omar well.

Archaeological sites of Kazakhstan.
“Water is the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it"
Sergey Aksakov.
Collection of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan.
Omar's well is located at an altitude of 186 meters above sea level, located 5.5 kilometers southeast of the Arakaragay forestry, 9 kilometers east of the Sosnovy Bor sanatorium, 7.9 kilometers southeast of the village of Satai , 14.4 kilometers west of the village of Zuevka, 9.1 kilometers north-west of the village of Biryukovka in the Altynsarinsky district of the Kostanay region.
In these parts, a little northwest of the Baizharakkol swamp, there is a forest-steppe plain with an area of 776537.97 square meters and a perimeter of 3497 meters - the site of Balgozhi bi - grandfather Ibray Altynsarin.
To the west and southwest of the well are the ruins of houses and buildings. Presumably there were 50 - 60 houses here. The possessions of Balgozhi biy occupied the territory of the Altynsarinsky district (formerly the Arakaragay volost).
The original name was preserved only at the forestry "Arakaragay" near the sanatorium "Sosnovy Bor". The roaming places of the clan were called Mezgil Koshana, Big and Small Mezgil. Here, in 1841, the great scientist, educator Ibrai Altynsarin was born in the town of Mezgil Koshana, where the well of Omar was located.
In 1991, an impromptu well frame and a commemorative plate were installed at this place. In 2018, the grand opening of the Omar well after reconstruction took place. Now it is an active source of water. Landscaping of the territory was carried out, a new gazebo, an entrance arch were built, a fence was installed for the facility.
Geographic coordinates of Omar well: N53°12'57.25" E64°21'06.69"
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