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Fortress Kabyl.

Ancient monuments of Kyzylorda region.
"The less the story is true, the more enjoyable it is."
F. Bacon.
Archeology of Kyzylorda region.
The Kabyl fortress is located 47 kilometers south-west of the village of Komekbaeva (the former name of Zhanakal) and 42.6 kilometers north of the Chirik-Rabat settlement, behind the strip of desert sandy ridges of the Kyzyl Kum mountains in the Kazaly district of the Kyzylorda region.
The fortress was first discovered and partially surveyed in 1957. In 2006, Zh. Kurmankulov carried out a new examination. The fortress is located on the edge of the eastern border of the oasis. In the middle of the valley there is a wide hollow, which was once filled with water flowing from Zhanadarya. It is noticeable that in some places the hollow was deepened manually and turned into a channel bed.
On the sides of the channel, you can see how the sown fields were located. The houses of farmers were located in one or two rows, traces of which are now visible on the placers of ceramics, remnants of building materials and fragments of stone tools.
In terms of plan, the fortress is a trapezoidal rectangle. The length of the walls: north-east and north-west 58 meters, south-west 56.5 meters, south-east 52 meters. The height of the walls is 4 - 5 meters, the thickness is about 1.5 meters.
The wall is equipped with two rows of arrow-shaped loopholes, staggered. The distance between the loopholes is 2 meters, there are no towers. The entrance is flanked by two strongly protruding gate towers. No traces of building were found inside the monument.
According to the lifting material, the monument belongs to the Chirikrabat culture (IV - II centuries BC). In terms of its appearance, the fortress is to a certain extent close to the ancient Khorezm fortress Dzhanbas-kala.
Geographic coordinates of the Kabyl fortress: N44 ° 28'19.69 "E62 ° 54'18.68"
J. Kurmankulov, J.R. Utubaev. “Ancient monuments of the Lower Syr Darya. http://edu.e-history.kz/ru/publications/view/268
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.