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Ancient settlement Buzyk-asar (Rabinsai).

Architectural sights ofKyzylorda region.
"Not knowing history means always being a child"
Mark Tullius Cicero.
Tourist routes of Kyzylorda region.
The ancient settlement Buzyk-asar (Rabinsai) is located in the northeastern part of the Alakaydin-Aktak tract, at the beginning of the northern part of the drying up channel Eskidaryalyk in the Karmakchi district of the Kyzylorda region, 37.8 kilometers west of the village of Turmaganbet and 34.8 kilometers to the north-west from the regional center Zhosaly.
Settlement Dzhety-asar No. 4 (otherwise Buzyk-asar or Rabinsay), located 10 kilometers north-north-east of the site of Altyn-asar, is an irregular rectangle with an area of 9.3 hectares. It is surrounded by fortress walls with the same loopholes and protruding oval towers (but without a defensive corridor), made up of rows of pakhsov blocks (without rows of mud bricks).
Inside the fortress walls, with the exception of a small house in the south, there are no traces of any buildings at all. Ceramic and other finds, recorded at the above-described fortress walls, obtained as a result of reconnaissance excavations, make it possible to attribute a fortification of this type to the time of the VIth - VIIth centuries. AD
Geographic coordinates of the settlement of Buzyk-asar (Rabinsai): N45 ° 16'24.52 "E63 ° 35'27.39"
L.M. Levina. “Ethnocultural history of the Eastern Aral Sea region. 1st millennium BC -1 millennium AD ". 1996 year. Publishing house "Eastern Literature".
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.