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Ancient settlement Kara-asar.

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"The history of what is is the history of what was and what will be."
J. Bernardin.
Travels to South Kazakhstan.
The settlement Kara-asar is located in the Karmakchinsky district of the Kyzylorda region, 8.1 kilometers north-west of the village of Turmaganbet and 47.8 kilometers south-west of the district center of Zhosaly. Kara-asar settlement, belongs to the settlements of the Jetyasar culture, is one of the largest in the tract.
The area of its two tiers (the fortress had a third, covering it from all sides, the lowest part) - more than 15 hectares, and the height of its individual parts reached 28 meters. The second site has been preserved to a height of 10 - 12 meters.
As in other Dzhetyasar settlements, the surface of the monument is completely covered with fragments of ceramics and, due to the sharp prevalence of shards of red-angled polished vessels, it looks red. The lifting material contains a set of ceramics and things typical for the complex of all three stages of Dzhetyasar.
Ancient settlement Kara-asar discovered in 1946 by the Khorezm archaeological and ethnographic expedition led by S.P. Tolstov. The expedition also drew up a plan for the settlement. Judging by the remains of household items and household items found, the settlement dates back to the IIIrd century. BC e. - III century.
The inhabitants of Karaasar were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.
Geographic coordinates of the Kara-asar settlement: N45 ° 05'42.80 "E63 ° 50'19.01"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.