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Peak Soviets. Big Almaty Gorge.

Walking tour Big Almaty Gorge.

“It's so hard to leave and tear the threads,
That firmly tied us to the mountains.
You can't run away from your memory,
How not to close all my mountains with steppes"

Irina Trubacheva. 1988.

Climbing tour to peaks Big Almaty Gorge.

Peak Soviets is located at an altitude of 4317 meters above sea level, 5.6 kilometers north of the ridge of the Zailiyskiy Alatau ridge, on the territory of the Ile-Alatau park in the Bostandyk district of Almaty. The top of the Sovetov Peak dominates and is located 4.5 kilometers southeast of Lake Bolshoye Almatinskoye. T
his beautiful mountain is the best natural addition to the landscape and panorama from the lake. Peak of the Soviets has a regular pyramid shape. There are several climbing routes to the top. One of the routes is from the Soviet Builders Pass (Memory of Friends) 3899 meters above sea level.
The pass is located 1.3 kilometers (in a straight line) northeast of the summit in the watershed ridge between the sources of the Kumbelsu, Turistov and Kyzylsu rivers. The path to the top leads along the eastern ridge for about 1.5 kilometers.
This route is one of the most beautiful, at different times of the year it requires the necessary preparation to overcome minor technical difficulties. Another route that starts from the Big Almaty Lake. From the lake by road to an unnamed stream flowing down the western slope of the Soviets peak.
A large mudflow came down the stream bed in 1989, so there are three deep channels on the slope. The path leads to the saddle of the western ridge descending from the summit. This path is 8.5-9 kilometers long and has no technical difficulties.
The ascent to the top begins from the ridge along the southwestern slope along the talus, among stones and gendarmes. You can climb to the top from the Ozernaya River along the bed of an unnamed stream along the southwestern slope, a route without technical difficulties.
The first ascent to the summit was carried out by climbers from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after. Abay D. Tuganbaev, S. Semin, L. Ignatov under the leadership of V. Zimin in August 1938. The route passed along the northwest ridge.
Picturesque panoramas of the Zailiyskiy Alatau mountains open from the top of the Soviets peak.
Geographic coordinates of Peak Soviets: N43 ° 01'25.39 "E77 ° 02'12.63"

View of the peak of Soviets from the pass of Soviet builders (In memory of friends). 1988.Ascent of mountaineering veterans to the peak of Soviets in 1987. Photo from the album of Alexei Alekseevich Vododokhov.View of the Soviets peak from the northwest. 1987.

Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.