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Lake Isey in Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve.

List of birds of Korglyzhsky reserve.
"That the days of blossoming are past
And that the time has come to fade,
Now the cranes are telling us,
Cooing on departure - goodbye."
"Last day". Saken Sefullin.
Trip from Astana to Korgalzhyno.
Lake Isey is located at an altitude of 309.5 meters above sea level, located in north of the Kazakh small hills, at bottom of the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression, on territory of the Korgalzhyn natural park, in Korgalyzh district in southwest of Akmola region.
Lake Isey is part of the Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lakes system. The area of Lake Isey is 49.61 square kilometers. The length of the lake's coastline reaches 29.27 kilometers. The length of Lake Isey is 11 kilometers, the greatest width of the lake is 7 kilometers.
The maximum depth of the lake does not exceed 2.5 - 3 m. The average depth of Lake Isey is 1.6 meters. Total mineralization of water – from 0.648 to 2.486 g/l. The chemical composition of water is sodium chloride. The lake is home to fish: crucian carp, mirror carp, pike, tench, ide, perch, etc.
The coast of the lake is home to swans, osprey and other birds. Wild boar can be found in the reeds. In the northeastern part of the lake is the Iseyskaya Spit Bay.
Iseyskaya Spit Bay on Lake Isey is located at an altitude of 309.5 meters above sea level, located in the northeastern part of Lake Isey. The Eseyskaya Spit Bay stretches along the eastern coast of Lake Isey for 4.3 kilometers, the greatest width in the southern part of the bay reaches 365 meters, in the northern part 450 meters.
The area of the bay is 2.34 square kilometers, the length of the coastline reaches 10.9 kilometers. The northern and northwestern coast of the lake is surrounded by a road that leads from the reserve post No. 1 to the cordon and ornithological base Karazhar.
In the southwestern part, the lake borders on the system of Korgalyzhyn lakes: Taban, Tabankazy, Kazatskoye, Maly and Bolshoi Zharakol. In the southeastern part of the lake, 660 meters away, there is the Zharsuat salt marsh.
In the west, 3 kilometers from Lake Isey, there is Lake Sultankeldy. In 1976, the Tengiz-Kurgalzhyn system of lakes, including Lake Isey, was included in the list of wetlands of international importance subject to the Ramsar Convention.
The most numerous representatives of birds on Lake Isey are passerines, which belong to 5 families: warblers, thrushes, finches, wagtails and buntings. Based on the number of species, 4 more orders are distinguished: waders, lamellar-billed birds, raptors and gulls.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Isey: N50°29'49 E69°38'43
Geographic coordinates of Iseyskaya Spit Bay: N50°30'32 E69°41'33.73"
Alexander Petrov.
"Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan." Publishing house "Mysl". 1990 Edited by V.E. Sokolova, E.E. Syroechkovsky.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.