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Broken Rock in Jety-Oguz Gorge.

Natural sights in Jety-Oguz Gorge.

"At the foot of the great mountains
The grass stalks sway slightly.
I raise my gaze into the blue -
The clouds rush into the open,
With their white manes spread out.
... I walk along a mountain path,
Meeting the dawn at the peaks."

Kalyk Akiev (translated by T. Streshneva).

Trip to Jety-Oguz River Valley.

Broken Heart Rock is located at an altitude of 2018 meters above sea level in Jety-Oguz Gorge, river of same name washes eastern slope of rock, it is located 30 kilometers (by road) southwest of town of Karakol, 10 kilometers south of village of Jety-Oguz, in district of same name in Issyk-Kul region.
Right in front of the resort, among the forest slopes on both banks of the river, there are spectacular outcrops of high, bright crimson and massive red rocks made of layered, red sandstone, which the Kyrgyz called Jety-Oguz (“Seven Bulls”).
Since then, as a result of weathering processes, the number of rocks has increased significantly. The red rocks are so unique and beautiful that in 1968 they were depicted on Soviet postage stamps dedicated to Kyrgyzstan. The most striking and interesting natural attraction is the famous Broken Heart rock, this is a place of real pilgrimage for lovers.
From the northern side, the rock really looks like a Broken Heart, but if you look at the rock from the southern side, you will see seven red ridges that symbolically resemble bulls.
Geographic coordinates of Broken Heart rock: N42 ° 20'23 E78 ° 13'56

Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.