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Grave of Kusein Karasayev.

Guide to environs of Karakol.
"1) If the first day of the month of Muharrem falls on Sunday, it means that there will be a lot of rain that year, and there will be a lot of mortality and illness among the people. At the end of such a year, bread will become more expensive.
2) If the first day of the month of Muharrem falls on Monday, it means that there will be many misfortunes and disasters, and there will be a shortage of food.
3) If the first day of the month of Muharrem falls on Tuesday, it means that the winter will be extremely cold, there will be a lot of snow and rain, there will be an end to fruits and old people, and mortality among the people will increase."
N. Katanov. "Signs and beliefs of the Turks of Chinese Turkestan concerning natural phenomena." 1897.
Photographs of Karakol.
Grave of Kusein Karasaev is located at an altitude of 1648 meters above sea level, in southwestern part of museum and memorial complex of N.M. Przhevalsky and K. Karasaev, in eastern part of village of Pristan Przhevalsky, 12 kilometers southwest of city of Karakol, 609 meters from Przhevalsky Bay (Lake Issyk-Kul), 1.5 kilometers from mouth of Karakol River, on territory subordinate to city administration of the of Karakol, Issyk-Kul region.
The burial place of the scientist is located in the southeastern part, 3 meters from the monument, not far from the picturesque shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. The choice of this place is symbolic, since it combines natural beauty and historical significance, serving as a place of memory of a man who dedicated his life to the development of the Kyrgyz language, literature and science.
On January 31, 1998, at the age of 97, Kusein Karasayev, a Soviet and Kyrgyz linguist, lexicographer, teacher, literary scholar, folklorist, Turkologist, and participant in the creation of the modern Kyrgyz alphabet, passed away. The decision to bury Kusein Karasayev on the territory of the N. M. Przhevalsky Museum and Memorial Complex was made at the level of the highest leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic.
By order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 38-r of February 2, 1998, a commission was created to organize the funeral of Kusein Karasayev, chaired by the Vice Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic M. K. Dzhangaracheva. In 2001, a monument to Karasayev was opened on the territory of the park.
Geographical coordinates of grave of K. Karasayev: N42°34'20 E78°19'09
Alexander Petrov.
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