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Home » Museum and memorial complex of Przhevalsky and Karasaev in Aksuiskiy district.

Museum and memorial complex of Przhevalsky and Karasaev.

Kyrgyzstan Travel Information & Tours.

“A sad, melancholy feeling overcomes me every time the first gusts of joy pass upon returning to my homeland. And the further time passes among everyday life, the more and more this melancholy grows, as if in the distant deserts of Asia something unforgettable, dear, which cannot be found in Europe, was abandoned. Yes, in those deserts there really is an exceptional blessing - freedom, true, wild, but at least unhindered by anything, almost absolute. The traveler becomes a civilized savage there and enjoys the best sides of the extreme stages of human development: the simplicity and wide freedom of wild life, the science and knowledge of civilized life. Moreover, the very business of traveling for a person sincerely devoted to it presents the greatest temptation - a daily change of impressions, an abundance of novelty, the awareness of the benefit to science. Physical difficulties, once they have passed, are easily forgotten, and only further highlight in memory the joyful moments of success and happiness. That is why it is impossible for a true traveler to forget his wanderings even under the best conditions of further existence. Day and night, he will inevitably dream of pictures of the happy past and beckon again to exchange the comforts and peace of a civilized environment for a working, at times unfriendly, but free and glorious wandering life."

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. "Travels in Central Asia."

Small group holidays in Tien-Shan mountains.

Museum and Memorial Complex N.M. Przhevalsky and K. Earasayev at an altitude of 1634 meters above sea level, is located in the eastern part of viillage of Pristan Przhevalsky, 12 kilometers southwest of city of Karakol, 609 meters from  Przhevalsky Bay (Lake Issyk-Kul), 1.5 kilometers from mouth of Karakol River, on territory subordinate to city administration of city of Karakol, Issyk-Kul region.
The complex also includes a museum dedicated to the life and expeditions of the explorer. The exhibition presents his personal belongings, maps, photographs, as well as descriptions of his travels through the uncharted territories of Asia. In addition, on the territory of the memorial there is a monument to Przhevalsky, depicting him together with the Przhevalsky horse - a wild species discovered by the explorer.
N. M. Przhevalsky and K. Karasayev Museum and Memorial Complex is a park on high bank of Przhevalsky Bay on Lake Issyk-Kul with an area of ​​9 hectares, on territory of which are located:
Grave of N. M. Przhevalsky (1888),
Monument to N. M. Przhevalsky (1894),
Museum of N. M. Przhevalsky (1957),
Orthodox chapel (1996),
Grave of K. Karasayev (1998),
Monument to K. Karasayev (2002),
Museum of K. Karasayev (2013).
By Resolution No. 568 of August 20, 2002 of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the complex was included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Kyrgyz Republic of Republican Significance under number 203.
The memorial complex of N.M. Przhevalsky is under state protection.
Geographic coordinates of grave of N.M. Przhevalsky: N42°34'22 E78°19'12


Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.