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Drama theatre Lakhuti in Dushanbe.

Visiting theatres of Dushanbe.
“The best gesture, perhaps, is the one that is not noticed”
From the notebook of François Delsarte.
Tajik Academic Drama Theater named after A. Lakhuti is located on Rudaki Avenue in the northern part of the Rohat teahouse in Dushanbe. This is the first republican theater, which was opened in October 1929. In 1933, the theater was named after A. Lakhuti, a Tajik writer, poet and playwright.
The contribution of A. Lakhuti to the development of the theater in Tajikistan is invaluable, he was the first to translate Shakespeare's dramas into the Tajik language especially for productions. In 1939 the theater was awarded the title of academic.
On the stage of the Tajik Academic Drama Theater named after A. Lakhuti during the Great Patriotic War, there were performances by the directors of the evacuated theater of the Red Army from Moscow E. Mittelman, A. Aleksandrin, Kanzel based on the plays "Fuente Ovehun" by Lope de Vega, "Othello", "King Lear ", "Romeo and Juliet", "Two Veronians" by W. Shakespeare, "Woe from Wit" by A. Griboedov, "Robbers" by F. Schiller, "Servant of Two Masters" by K. Goldoni, "Uncle Vanya" by A. Chekhov and many other.
In 1990 - 1991 the performance "Oedipus" based on the work of the ancient author Sophocles was a great success in Moscow. The director and performer of the main role of the play "Oedipus" H. Gadoev received the title of laureate of the State Prize. A. Rudaki.
In 1998, the Tajik Academic Drama Theater named after. A. Lakhuti with the play "Chubin's Fringe" was highly appreciated by the jury of the International Theater Festival "Fajr", held in Iran. The production "Call of Love" (author K. Abdullo, director Kh. Maibaliev) received the Grand Prix at the republican festival "Parastu-99".
Corneille's "Sid" (directed by Kh. Maibaliev) in 2001 won the A. Rudaki State Prize. The theater has come a long way since its inception. Already in the first half of the 1930s, works of national dramaturgy were staged on its stage. In 1933, the theater was named after the poet A. Lakhuti, in 1939 - the title of academic.
Among the bright acting personalities, it should be noted: M. Saidova, I. Kasymova, G. Bakoeva, A. Burkhanova, A. Saidova, A. Suleymanova, X. Rakhmatullaeva, T. Fazylova, A. Mukhamedzhanova and others. Talented stage masters X. Gadoev, X. Zavkibekov, X. Nazarova, B. Radjabov, I. Isoeva, and others continue the best traditions of this theatre.
Talented stage masters H. Gadoev, H. Nazarova, I. Isoeva and others continue the best traditions of this theatre. Today, the theater's repertoire, along with works of national dramaturgy, includes plays of world classics. The audience could see the performances of "Ismoili Somoni" (director F. Kosymov), "Oedipus" by Sophocles (director Kh. Gadoev), "Sid" Corneille (director Kh. Maibaliev), "Zarathustra" N. Tabarov (director D. Ubaydullaev), "Don Giovanni" by Moliere (director D. Ubaidullaev), "Where are we going?" N. Abdullaeva (director Kh. Maibaliev), "Call of Love" K. Abdullo (director Kh. Maibaliev), "Tales of the Old Man" N. Abdullaev (director A. Makhmadzhonov), "Fringe Chubin" T. Akhmadkhanova ( director T. Akhmadkhanov), "Alexander the Great and Spitamen" by B. Abdurakhmanov (director B. Miralibekov), etc.
Now the theater's repertoire, along with works of national dramaturgy, includes plays of world classics. On the stage of the theater there are performances: "Romeo and Juliet", "King Lear", "Othello", V. Shakespeare, "Cunning and Love", F. Schiller, "Inspector General" by Gogol, "Guilty Without Guilt" by A. Ostrovsky and etc.
Geographic coordinates of theater named after A. Lakhuti in Dushanbe: N38°35'06.47" E68°47'14.85"
Photo by
Alexander Petrov.