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Square Buston in Dushanbe.

Walk on squares Dushanbe.
“It seemed that on the night of December, April fell from the heights,
He covered the valley with a carpet of flowers and damp dust - the firmament.
Washed by the tears of the clouds, the gardens are dressed in bright silk,
And the spring wind brings us the spicy amber aroma"
Abulhasan Rudaki.
Squares in Dushanbe.
The square Buston in Dushanbe (former square of a name of Frunze) is located behind the academic drama theatre of name Lakhuti and chaikhana Rokhat leaving a facade on the main prospectus of city of name Rudakhi, in 1 kilometer from railway station in the central part of a left bank of city Dushanbe.
The square Buston is located in area Ismaila Somoni. The square about 3 hectares is considerably reduced by the area due to extensions to theatre and chaikhana. The composite center of square was a years Open-air theatre turned by a facade to the main street.
In an average part of square the multijet fountain (the author architect B.A.Zuhurdinov) is arranged. All territory of square is arranged well. Small cosy sites with benches in a combination to carpet greens, colors and bushes have made square favourite vacation spot of the townspeople.
Creation of square has been connected with a place of the first area of Revolution of city Dushanbe. The square of a name of Frunze (nowadays Buston) has been created 1930th years. In the end of 1980th years under the project of architect S.L.Anisimova the part of square has been built up by a building of the case of former Central Committee of Communist party of Tajikistan (now the Presidential palace).
Geographical coordinates of Buston Square in Dushanbe: N38°35'06.13" E68°47'20.40"
Authority and photos:
Saliya Mamadjanova, Rustam Mukimov. Architecture and town-planning of Dushanbe (history, the theory and practice). - Dushanbe, 2008, with. 284.