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Valley Kok-Zhaylyau.

Botanical excursions in Kazakhstan.
“Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Sights nature Kazakhstan Tours.
Kok-Zhailau valley (Kazakh for "Green Pasture") is located at an altitude of 1617 to 2240 meters above sea level, is located in left (eastern) part of Malay Almatinka gorge, on northern slope of Zailiysky Alatau ridge in Medeu district of Almaty.
From the north, the Kok-Zhailau valley is bordered by the Terisbulak and Ermensay rivers, which are right tributaries of the Kazakh River. The southeastern border of the Kok-Zhailau valley is the Kumeltau mountain range with the dominant height of the Kumbel peak 3618.8 meters above sea level.
The Kok-Zhailau valley extends from east to west for 2 kilometers 600 meters, from north to south, a little more than 600 meters. The Bedelbay River (old name Battery) flows through the valley, 6.4 kilometers long. At an altitude of 2331 meters above sea level, two tributaries of the Bedelbay Right and Belbay Left merge.
The river's sources are on the northern slope of the Three Brothers mountain, 2860 meters above sea level, which is located in the northern part of the Kumbel tau ridge. The Kok-Zhailau valley is an alpine meadow located between the gorges of the Bolshaya and Malaya Almatinka.
This is a traditional and favorite place with year-round walks for residents and guests of Almaty. The Kok-Zhailyau valley is one of the most beautiful places in the foothills of the Zailiyskiy Alatau. The Kok-Zhailyau valley retains its attractiveness for active walks in the mountains all year round.
Two of the most popular routes are laid to the tract, one route to the Kok-Zhailyau valley starts from the Prosveshchenets sanatorium, which is located in the Maloalmatinskoye gorge. The second route is longer, it starts from the Bolshaya Almaty gorge from the mouth of the Kazakh River.
Geographic coordinates of Kok-Zhailyau valley: N43°09'10 E77°01'20
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.