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Fauna of Katon-Karagay park.

Travel to the East Kazakhstan.
“Not all those who wander are lost”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
Unusual travel in Turkestan.
The fauna of the Katon-Karagaysky national natural park is various. The third part of the mammals living in Kazakhstan meet in its territory. Here steppe, meadow, mountain and forest animal species live. Among them - a wolf, a fox, a brown bear, a sable, a glutton, a lynx, a maral, a badger, an elk, a groundhog, the Altai squirrel, the Siberian roe and many others.
Many mammals meeting in the region - a snow leopard, a red wolf, a stone marten, argali (a mountain ram), are included in the Red List of Kazakhstan. Within the park three species of Amphibia - gray and green toads, an Rana terrestris live.
Such reptiles as an ordinary viper, a figured runner, an ordinary copperhead snake (Agkistrodon), nimble and viviparous lizards are characteristic of this area. Fishes, characteristic of the region, - a taimen, a grayling, a lenok, an ide. Insects more than 3 thousand types are provided.
Within the park it is possible to meet rare species of birds which are included in the Red List. Among them - a chernozoby gagara, the hook-nosed tourist's sir, a black stork, a fish hawk, an eagle owl, peregrin falcon, saker falcon (Falco cherrug), a golden eagle, Altai улар.
Interest of ecologists and biologists in the Katon-karagaysky nature special. They conduct continuous studying and observation of many animals among which a snow leopard and the musk deer living only in Katon-Karagaysky national park.
The department of science of national park together with Institute of zoology of Academy of Sciences, East Kazakhstan “Ekobiotsentr” the East Kazakhstan state university carries out inventory, the account and systematization of flora and fauna of the park.
According to the UN, at inclusion of Katon-Karagaysky national park in the cross-border biospheric park which is a part of the system Altai-Sayansk of the ecoregion, the part of its lands will receive the status of a monument of the world heritage.
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Alexander Petrov