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Falls of Rakhmanovsky.

Nature Kazakhstan Altai Tours.
“In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds, but into my own”
Anna Quindlen.
Wildflower Holidays in Central Asia.
The falls Rakhmanovsky (among employees of sanatorium the falls have the name "Volosy Veroniki”) are on the northeast coast of the lake Rakhmanovskoye in the Katon-Karagay Region of East Kazakhstan region in the valley of the river Arasan.
It is possible to walk to falls on the northern coast of the lake on wooden floorings which are laid on one kilometer along the northern coast of the lake. The remained 1000 meters should be passed on a track which lasts along the lake.
Distance from the northern coast of the lake to falls of 500 meters. A track convenient for pedestrian walk, on the way to falls it is possible to admire the opposite coast of the lake. The small anonymous river on which there are falls begins from the cascade of three lakes located at the height of 2665 meters above sea level.
Lakes are in 1,5 kilometers from falls on a northern slope of the ridge which was stretched in the meridional direction. From West side the ridge is limited to the valley of the river Black Berel from East side the western slope of Ukok Plateau.
The falls Rakhmanovsky are located at the height of 1860 meters above sea level. The falls are overthrown from height by two cascades, the general falling of water to 30 meters. Vicinities of falls are covered with the dense wood from a larch and a bush, the dogrose, a honeysuckle Altai, a meadowsweet, a guelder-rose meet here.
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.