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Falls Kok-Kol on Altai.

Greatest travel Kazakhstan Altai.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”
Augustine of Hippo.
Travel across Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The falls Kok-Kol are located in the lower reach of the river of Big Kok-Kol (the left inflow by Bélay Berel), in 23 kilometers to the northeast of the resort settlement Rakhmanovsky Klychi, the Katon-Karagaysky administrative Region of East Kazakhstan region.
The form of river valleys mountainous the northeast of area is defined by extent of impact on them an ancient freezing. Upper courses of valleys usually represent typical spurs with abrupt walls. On such sites the small rivers and streams flow in valleys, being overthrown from walls of spurs by cascades and falls.
In similar conditions also the largest of the East Kazakhstan falls - Kok-Kol located in a northern part of the wildlife area Rakhmanovsky Klychi, approximately in 15 km to the southeast from Mount Belukha was formed.
The falls are formed by the small mountain river of Big Kok-Kol following from the lake of the same name and flowing into Belaya Berel River. At merge to Bélay Berel the bed of the river Kok-Kol approaches a mountain ledge about 80 m high and the steepness 60 - 70 °.
The water stream over 10 meters wide is overthrown from walls of a Berel spur with the deafening roar heard far the vicinities down. Approximately in a middle part the stream is cut by the narrow rocky crest going from top to down and divides it into two unequal parts: wider right and less considerable left.
On a crest and rocks of the left and right boards water will not fall down, and flows down narrow prompt streams.At a falls foot water developed in rocky breeds a wide niche with the walls polished with centuries-old work.
When falling from big height the becoming shallow water dust ionizing air in the valley is formed. In sunny days, rising over falls, it is painted with all colors of the rainbow. Below falls the course Big Kok-Kolya is filled up with the huge boulders and blocks forming thresholds. In this part the stream forms several small 1 - 2 meter cascades.
Powerful falls, the picturesque gorge overgrown with the beautiful cedar and fir forest give extraordinary beauty and a charm to this corner of the Altai nature. According to oral messages of tourists on rocks of the Kok-Kol falls there are Chinese letters and drawings.
Falls Kok-Kol - amazing, magic beauty creation of the nature, the biggest of falls of the Kazakhstan Altai. In the extreme northeast of area it represents one of the most attractive (with the massif of Mount Belukha) objects of informative, ecological tourism.
Besides esthetic and informative value the gorge of this section of the river can be of practical interest to the organization of the climatic resort. The climate of the river valleys having similar falls has medicinal properties.
Millions of scattering splashes moisten air, enrich it with oxygen. The effect of hydroaeroionization is well-known and with success is used in some regions of Russia, for example, in the resort of Arshan in Baikal region.
The falls are located in the remote area which does not have resident population. Above it (on a watercourse) the remains of the big settlement known under the name existing here in days of the Great Patriotic War Nizhny the Camp which population was busy on Kok-Kol tungsten molybdenum the field which is nowadays not operated remained.
This place is very popular among tourists. Annually hundreds of people stops in this place for several days, making radial routes to the Berel glacier, the Top Camp of the Kok-Kol mine, falls.