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Kholzun lakes in West-Altai Reserve.

Tours to Kholzun lakes in West-Altai Reserve.
“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there”
Pascal Mercier. «Night Train to Lisbon».
Sighs of Kholzun lakes in West-Altai Reserve.
A group of Kholzun lakes are located at an altitude of more than 1950 meters at sea level in the Ridder region of East Kazakhstan region. The lakes are located on the western slope of the Kholzun ridge in the territory of the West-Altai National Nature Reserve.
The group consists of eight lakes, which are located 4 kilometers from the tract Lineiskiy Poles. The third Kholusn lake is the largest. On the opposite, eastern side of the Kholzun ridge in the Russian Federation, in the immediate vicinity are more than 20 alpine lakes.
From these lakes begin the left sources of the Barsuk River, which, downstream, is the left tributary of the Big Targusun River. Kholzun lakes are the basin of the Big Turgusun river. The following is a summary of the group's lakes.
The First Kholzun lake is located at an altitude of 1950 meters above sea level in the Ridder region of the East Kazakhstan region and is located 6 kilometers from the Barsuk tourist camp in the vicinity of the Linea Poles. This lake is located on the north side of the western spur, which from the Kholzun ridge.
The lake is small, its length is only 55 meters and a width of 20 meters. Over the lake, by the end of July, a huge, beautiful snowfield hangs, which is reflected in the lake and which supplies water to the First Lake Kholzun.
The Second Kholzun lake is located at an altitude of 2010 meters above sea level in the Ridder region of the East Kazakhstan region and is located 330 meters from the First Kholzun lake. This lake is located on the north side of the western spur, which from the Kholzun ridge.
The lake is 252 meters long and 165 meters wide. Over the lake from the southeast side until the end of July, a huge, beautiful snowfield hangs, which is reflected in the lake. On the east side, a stream flows into the lake, which flows from the Third Lake Kholzun.
Flowing lake, flood type. A small river flows from the northern part of the lake, which is the right tributary of the Barsuk river, which in turn is the left tributary of the Bolshoi Turgusun river. On the west side, the lake is framed by a dwarf birch and willow.
The moraine Third Holzun Lake is located at an altitude of 2140 meters above sea level in the Ridder District of the East Kazakhstan Region and is 500 meters from the Second Kholzun Lake. This lake is located on a terrace on the north side of the western spur, which extends from the Kholzun ridge.
The length of the lake is 345 meters and has the largest width of 231 meters. From the southwest side above the lake rises a latitudinal spur with heights of 2,200 meters above sea level, which from the Kholzun ridge to the west. A huge, beautiful snowfield hangs over the lake from the southern side until the end of July, which is reflected in the lake.
On the southeast side, a stream flows into the lake, which receives its full flow from a stream flowing from a small lake located 415 meters from the Third Kholzun Lake, a little over 50 meters long. Another, more full-flowing stream begins from a small moraine lake located 415 meters from the Third Kholzun Lake, a little more than 60 meters long.
These two streams merge and flow into the lake. A beautiful river flows from the western part of the lake, which flows into the Second Kholzun Lake after 175 meters in cascades and a waterfall.
A dam Fourth Kholzun Lake is located at an altitude of 2220 meters above sea level in the Ridder District of the East Kazakhstan Region and is located in the northeast, 284 meters from the Third Kholzun Lake. This lake is located on the western slope of the Kholzun ridge on the north side of the western spur, which extends from the Kholzun ridge. The length of the lake is 128 meters and has the largest width of 105 meters.
From the southwest side above the lake rises a latitudinal spur with heights of 2,200 meters above sea level, which from the Kholzun ridge to the west. The lake is fed by a snowfield, which is located in the eastern part of the lake.
A small stream flows from the western part of the lake, which after 488 meters flows into a small lake and bypassing it flows from the left into the Barsuk river.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.