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Alibi Zhangildin Museum in settlement of Turgai.

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Kostanay region museums.
Alibi Zhangildin Museum located in the settlement of Turgai Zhangeldin District Kostanai region. Alibi Zhangildin was born in 1884 in the village of Alibi along the Zhylanshyk River in the Kaidaul volost of the Turgai district. In 1984, on October 6, by the decision of the state, a museum was opened in the village of Turgai, Dzhangeldinsky district, Kostanay region.
The museum was organized for the purpose of studying and propagating about the life and social activities, an outstanding public and statesman, a fighter for freedom and equality of our people, a traveler AT Zhangeldin.
The Alibi Zhangildin Museum displays books and documents that make up the historical heritage of the Turgai Territory. The artifacts are divided into seven thematic collections that tell about ethnography, the era of collectivization, the national liberation uprising, the devastating years of the Great Patriotic War and other significant milestones.
The total area of the historical and memorial museum is 477.6 square meters. The main hall shows copies of documents and photographs showing the activities of Alibi Zhangildin. A. Zhangieldin's testimonies about his studies in Turgai, Orenburg, Kazan and about his travels.
The announcement in the Moscow newspaper "Morning of Russia", the certificate of the Extraordinary Military Commissioner of the Steppe about the beginning of World War II, a letter to Stalin dated July 14, 1941 with a desire to go to the front, are valuable archival documents.
Map of A. Zhangeldin's expedition "Red Caravan", organized by the government of Kazakhstan. Valuable exhibits of the museum are weapons of the revolutionaries of 1916, they increase the interest of visitors. In the hall of ethnography there are exhibits of the life of the XIXth century of the Kazakh people.
The next room contains medals, orders, photographs of our World War II veterans and military equipment used during the war. The museum halls include: "A. Zhangildin's Travel in the Period 1910 - 1912", "Childhood", "Hall of Ethnography", "National Liberation Uprising of 1916", "Red Caravan", "Unification of the Front and Rear", a continuation the hall is "Turgai yesterday and today".
The museum fund is replenished with exhibits describing the achievements of the Turgai Territory, documentary materials about the life of labor veterans and outstanding figures of culture and literature. Data on culture, education and health is updated annually.
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