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Mausoleum of Kokkumbet.

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Ambrose of Mediolansky.
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The Kokkumbet mausoleum is located on the Kokymbet necropolis on the Buzachi peninsula, 4, 3 kilometers east of the edge of the Kyzylkum desert, 6.5 kilometers east and slightly north of the Tashchykudyk village and 9.1 kilometers south-west of the Shebir village in the Mangistau region Mngistau region.
The mausoleum of Kokkumbet, called by the local population "Karatam", i.e. "Strong", "built of solid stones", "powerful mausoleum". The main name of the building means "blue dome", since in the Oghuz languages "kumbet" is a dome and is associated with its architecture.
The surviving skeleton and many details testify to the majestic, elite structure. The main volumes of this, perhaps the largest mausoleum in the Eastern Caspian region, are laid out of cyclopean stone blocks and slabs up to 1 meter long, on a clay solution.
A full-scale examination - finds in the rubble of the interior of baked bricks of the medieval format: 19 x 20, 22 - 24 x 22 - 25 cm with a thickness of 5 - 8 cm - indicates that they overlapped the dome, where bricks with blue glaze were used.
The architecture of the monumental monument undoubtedly testifies to the special status, veneration of the deceased - a major representative of the steppe elite. The Kokkumbet mausoleum is a unique monument of the XIV century of the Golden Horde period on the territory of Mangyshlak.
Notable for the use of arched structures, ganch stalactites and glazed ceramics
Geographic coordinates of the Kokkumbet mausoleum: N44 ° 44'18.78 "E52 ° 02'52.07"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.