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Keiki Batyr cave.

Nostalgic Kazakhstan tours.
“These days there is neither an enemy nor a brother:
Everything is in me, and I am in everyone. One
And one - the flesh is embraced by longing
And it burns with hostility to itself "
Maximilian Voloshin. Paris. 5 February 1915.
Tours to nature of Central Asia.
Keiki Batyr Cave is located in a picturesque place 30 meters from right (eastern) bank of Karat-Turgai River, 1 kilometer southeast of Makat mausoleum, 6 kilometers northwest of village of Korgasyn, 44.6 kilometers to south -east from the Yekidin village in Ulytau district in northwest of Ulytau region.
Not far from the village of Korgasyn, on the banks of the Kara-Turgai River, there is a small monument with a rifle and a commemorative inscription. Nearby, on one of the cliffs, there is a grotto of Keiki batyr. A grotto, fortified from the side of the river by a low wall of stones, in which, a little less than a hundred years ago, one of the participants in the Civil War that raged on the territory of the former Russian Empire was hiding.
This fact is confirmed by the memorial installed on the rock, just above the shelter of Keiki (Nurmagambet) Kokembayuly (1871 - 1923), better known as Keiki batyr, is the legendary Kazakh shooter, one of the leaders of the rebel army of the national liberation movement in 1916 - 1917 years.
It is believed that Keiki headed the personal guard of Amangeldy Imanov (later one of the main Kazakh red commanders) and especially distinguished himself during the siege of the city of Turgai, as well as in a number of other major battles.
Having started the revolutionary struggle together with Imanov and Khan Abdulgafar (Abdigappar), Keiki-batyr did not recognize the Soviet power, remaining a supporter of independence and monarchy. After the death of Amangeldy Imanov and Khan Abdulgafar, Keiki-batyr went to the Ulytau mountains.
Seeing the popular shooter as a potential troublemaker, a little later the authorities issued an order for his arrest. Interestingly, some scholars believe that the final episode of the old Soviet film about Amangeldy Imanov (where the latter, together with his wife, who feeds him with ammunition, fires back against the superior enemy forces) is actually borrowed from the life of Keiki-batyr (with the only difference that their opponents were different).
It is believed that the batyr, along with his wife and brother, died during the battle, during which he managed to kill six and wound nine Red Army men who surrounded his house. After Keiki, along with all his relatives, was killed, his head was chopped off and taken as evidence of death to Orenburg.
Of interest is the fact that until recently the skull of Keiki batyr was kept in the anthropological fund of the Kunstkamera of St. Petersburg (here it was transferred in 1926 from Orenburg). The skull returned to Kazakhstan only in October 2016.
Geographic coordinates of Keiki Batyr cave: N49°14'58 "E66°35'48
Vitaly Shuptar.
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.