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Lake Chapdara.

Walk to Chapdara lake.
"Without the belief that nature is subject to laws, there can be no science"
Norbert Wiener.
Trip to Alaudin lakes.
Fresh, flowing lake Chapdara is located at an altitude of 2,780 meters above sea level, located in the western part of the Gissar ridge of the Fan Mountains, in the northern part of the Kaznok tract, 1.4 kilometers south-west of the alpine camp "Vertical", 14.8 kilometers to the west from the village of Marguzor, the lake belongs to the system of the Alaudin lakes, the Chapdara river flows out of the lake in the Ayni district of the Sughd region.
The length of Lake Chapdara from the southwest to the northeast is 356 meters, the greatest width in the northern part is 275 meters, the area of the lake is 103073 square meters, the perimeter of the lake is 1900 meters.
Junipers grow along the shores of the lake, some of which are very old trees. The distance from Lake Chapdara to the capital of Tajikistan - the city of Dushanbe is 85 kilometers in a straight line. A motor road from the village of Marguzor leads to the alpine camp "Vertical".
Geographic coordinates of Lake Chapdara: N39 ° 14'16.08 "E68 ° 15'25.36"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.