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Lake Karkuldek Ontustik.

Journeys to lakes in mountains of Dzungarsky Alatau.
"Even in his most beautiful dreams, man cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature."
Alphonse de Lamartine.
Rafting on rivers in Dzungarsky Alatau.
The moraine, flowing lake Karkuldek Ontustik is located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name at an altitude of 3250 meters above sea level, on the southern slope of the Toksanbay ridge in the mountains of Dzhungarsky Alatau in the Eskeldin district of Almaty region.
The length of the lake from southeast to northwest is 488 meters, the greatest width is 306 meters in the eastern part of the lake. The area of the lake is 51545 square meters, the perimeter is 1025 meters. At 2.8 kilometers from the lake to the southwest is the Karkuldek peak, 4062.8 meters above sea level. In the upper reaches of the gorge there are three small glaciers Karkuldek Ontustik: South-Eastern, Central and Western.
Glacier Karkuldek Ontustik South-East, 3 kilometers long, is located 1.6 kilometers southeast of Lake Karkuldek Ontustik. The area of the glacier is 1.49 square kilometers, the perimeter is 7.27 square kilometers.
The upper limit of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3996 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Karkuldek West glacier is located at an altitude of 3432 meters above sea level.
Karkuldek Ontustik Central glacier consists of two branches: eastern and western.
The length of the eastern branch is 1.7 kilometers. The length of the western branch is 1.6 kilometers. The total area of the Central Karkuldek glacier is 1.6 square kilometers, the perimeter is 5.64 kilometers.
Karkuldek Ontustik Western glacier, 960 meters long, is located 1.4 kilometers east of the lake. The upper limit of the glacier is located at 3830.8 and 3865 meters above sea level. Tongue of the glacier Karkuldek Ontustik West 3441 meters above sea level.
A small moraine lake is located 180 meters west of the glacier. The river Karkuldek Ontustik, 6.3 kilometers long, flows out from the southern end of the lake.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Karkuldek Ontustik: N44°47'28.82" E79°54'28.02"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.