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Tajik State University.

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Tajik State University is located on the right bank of the Varzob (Dushanbinka) River between Khofiz Sherozi, Nizomi Ganjavi and Karamov Streets in the northern part of Dushanbe. Tajik National University (abbreviated as TNU; tadzh. Donishgohi millii Tojikiston) is the first and one of the largest universities in Tajikistan, one of the centers for the development of culture, education and science in the country. Founded in 1947.
The Tajik State University was established by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 21, 1947 No. 643. Initially, there were four faculties - geological and soil, biological, historical and philological and (since 1949) physical and mathematical.
Classes at TSU began on September 1, 1948 in the building of the Dushanbe State Pedagogical Institute named after Shevchenko. In the first academic year, 240 students were enrolled in three faculties, 17 teachers and 19 part-time workers, including 2 professors and 8 associate professors, only one teacher had a doctorate, and four teachers had a candidate of sciences.
The origins of the formation of the Tajik State University were the first rector of the university in 1948 - 1954, the future academician Zarif Sharipovich Radjabov and the rector of the university in 1956 - 1971, academician Soli Ashurkhodzhaevich Radjabov. Since 1952, "Scientific notes" have been published.
Head of the Department of Philosophy in 1955 - 1962 was a professor, academician Alautdin Makhmudovich Bogoutdinov. In 1957, the Tajik University was named after V. I. Lenin. On February 15, 1997, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 669, in order to increase the efficiency of higher education and streamline the structure of higher education in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Tajik State University was granted the status of an autonomous, self-governing higher educational institution, and it became known as the Tajik State National University.
Since 2008 - Tajik National University (TNU). Since its inception, TNU has not only trained many highly qualified specialists for the needs of the national economy, but also improved the structure, deepened scientific research, and also contributed to the creation and development of such higher educational institutions of the republic as the Tajik Institute of Russian Language and Literature and the Tajik Technological Institute.
TNU provides assistance to other universities of the republic in the field of information support. On June 10, 2010 the Russian Center of TNU was opened. It was created on the basis of an agreement concluded by the non-profit organization Russian Mir Foundation, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2007 No. 796 with the aim of popularizing the Russian language and literature, supporting Russian language study programs abroad, and the Tajik National University.
Now the University has faculties: physics, mechanics and mathematics, chemistry, biology, geology, history, Tajik language and literature, the faculty of translators, oriental languages, law, three economic faculties, - the faculty of teaching foreign students, the preparatory department of about 100 departments and laboratories.
More than 13 thousand students study at its faculties in 23 specialties. Most of the scientists and researchers working in the republic are university graduates, 36 groups conduct independent research work, there is a defense council) for candidate and doctoral dissertations, postgraduate studies.
The University has a computer center and a programming center, a unique botanical garden, advanced training courses, and a scientific library. Now the teaching staff of the University is over 1000 people. The university is a member of the International Association of Universities, has close ties with most universities in the CIS countries, and cooperates with many foreign universities.
Recently, contacts have been established with the universities of the Eastern countries. Students from various countries of the world study at the University, the number of which is growing every year. The University has a sports complex, its own rest house "Javoni", located in the picturesque Ramit Gorge, the construction of a new complex "University" is nearing completion.
Geographical coordinates of Tajik State University in Dushanbe: N38°35'22.61" E68°46'23.46"
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