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Peak Moscow.

Climbing in ridge of Peter Great.

“The dawn freezes in the frozen sky.
The gray ridge floated away into the frost and darkness.
We move forward, but the wind erases the trail.
It’s white all around... The wind erases the trace.”

Sym Kuderin. "On the glacier."

Peaks in Peter Great ridge.

Peak Moscow, 6785 meters above sea level, is located in main ridge of Peter Great, in Lakhsh and Sangvor regions of Republic of Tajikistan. The sources of the Fortambek glacier, 27.1 kilometers long, begin on the eastern slopes of Mount Moscow.
The sources of the Perevalny glacier, 12 kilometers long, descend from the Western slope of Moscow. The sources of the 22-kilometer-long Gando glacier flow down from the southern slope of the peak. The peak was discovered in 1913 by an expedition of the German-Austrian Alpine Society and was then named Sidov Peak after the chairman of the society.
This name appears on some diagrams of the Tajik complex expedition. In 1933, participants in the Tajik-Pamir expedition named it Enukidze Peak, in honor of the Soviet state and party leader Abel Safronovich Enukidze. The current name was given by climbers to the expedition of the All-Union Committee of Physical Culture and Sports in 1947 in honor of the capital of the USSR, which celebrated its 800th anniversary.
At the same time, an attempt was made to climb and an altitude of about 6500 meters above sea level was reached. The western peak was conquered by Georgian climbers in 1956, the main peak was conquered on August 20, 1959 by the Burevestnik group, led by I. Bogachev.
From the side of the Fortambek glacier, the following routes were laid: along the right part of the north-eastern wall, 5 B, 1977, Ukrainian Republican Committee for Physical Education and Sports, leader - V. Cherevko, along the left part of the north-eastern wall, 1980, climbers from and Mrozek Boguslav.
The route is not classified. In the same year, a group of CS FiS under the leadership of I. Khatskevich climbed to the top of Peak Moscow in the center of the northeastern wall. The path along the wall was completed to an altitude of 6685 meters above sea level. 
Geographic coordinates of peak Moscow: N38°56'54 E71°50'02

"Fortambek and its peaks." G. Kalinin. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1983.