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Seven Bulls Rocks in Jety-Oguz Gorge.

Best nature places in Jety-Oguz Gorge.

“Since evening had not yet come, I managed to look into the Jety-Oguz Valley, the second of the Tien Shan valleys that I visited. I did not encounter any outcrops of rock and limited myself to a careful examination of the boulders deposited by the river.
Among them were the same granites as in the Ak-Su River Gorge, syenites, coarse-grained diorites, gabbro, gray limestones, black and red porphyries, a small amount of gneisses, sandstones, amphibolites, hornblende schists and breccias, but there were no volcanic rocks.”

P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. "Journey to Tien Shan". 1856 - 1857.

Trip to Seven Bulls Rocks from village of Tamga.

"Seven Bulls" rocks are located at an altitude of 2011 (level of Jety-Oguz River) to 2086 meters above sea level, located 1.1 kilometers southwest of resort of same name, on left slope of Jety-Oguz gorge, on northern slope of Terskey Ala-Too mountain range in Jety-Oguz district of Issyk-Kul region. 
The age of exposed rocks of Jeti-Oguz is 27.82 - 5.33 million years. Rock formations consist of layers of conglomerates, polymictic sandstones with thin interlayers and lenses of gravelstones, siltstones and clays of reddish-brown and brick-red colors, deposited in the Upper Oligocene-Miocene (P33-N1 - Kyrgyz suite).
The thickness of the Kyrgyz suite in this area reaches 1940 meters. In front of the resort itself, among the forested slopes on both banks of the Jety-Jguz river, there are spectacular outcrops of high, bright crimson and massive and red rocks made of layered sandstone, which the Kyrgyz gave the name Jety-Oguz ("Seven Bulls").
The outlines of the rocks against the background of a light, cloudless sky resemble a heart split in two, longitudinal stripes of red sandstone stand out on the outer surface of the rocks, with moderate imagination they seem like bleeding wounds.
Rain streams flowing down the rocks are painted in bright orange colors. Since those ancient times, as a result of weathering processes, the number of rocks has increased significantly. The red rocks are so unique and beautiful that in 1968 they were depicted on Soviet postage stamps dedicated to Kyrgyzstan.
When counting the rocky ledges called "Seven Bulls", there are actually eight of them, while it is necessary to take into account that the far right, the foot of which is washed by the Jety-Oguz River, is the "Broken Heart" rock and, of course, this rock has nothing to do with the "Seven Bulls" rocks.
I think that there should be more natural attractions in the gorge, each of which separately attracts tourists. The Seven Bulls Rocks are located in the mid-mountain forest, meadow and steppe zone at an altitude of 2,100 to 3,000 meters above sea level, on mountain, forest and meadow soils, surrounded by Tien-Shan spruce trees with rich shrub undergrowth, grass and cereal meadows.
The Seven Bulls Rocks are the hallmark of the Jetyz-Oguz gorge and the main tourist, natural attraction of the Issyk-Kul region.
Geographical coordinates of Seven Bulls Rocks: N42°20'15 E78°13'37

Photograph of the Jety-Oguz gorge. Beginning of the XXth century.

Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.