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Visit to museum history in Astana.

Excursion in museum of history of Kazakhstan.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”
Augustine of Hippo.
Season: year round.
Duration of excursion: 4 hours.
Detailed program of an excursion trip in museum history in Astana:
Sightseeing tours in Astana.
Excursion to National Museum. Visit to 6 halls of Museum of History of Republic of Kazakhstan:
Hall of ancient and medieval history in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall is represented by tools and household items of the Stone Age, archaeological objects of the Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as artifacts of the medieval history of Kazakhstan (ceramics, numismatics, tools).
Hall of History in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall shows the history of Kazakhstan from the XVth to the XIth centuries. Ancient photographs and books, household utensils and weapons of Kazakh warriors are exhibited here. The presented material tells about the revolution, the repressions and famine that followed it, about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan conflict and the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Other aspects of the XXth century are also touched upon - the development of virgin lands, the development of cities, industry and science.
Hall of Gold in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall demonstrates gold items of the ancient nomads of Kazakhstan - unique finds from archaeological excavations. This is the “Golden Man” found on the Issyk mound, not far from Almaty, the Sarmatian warrior in Atyrau, as well as priceless finds from the settlements of Chilikty and Berel, and the Taldy burial ground.
Hall of Ethnography in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall is represented by jewelry, national clothing, traditional Kazakh housing - a yurt, as well as household items of the Kazakh people.
Hall of Independent Kazakhstan in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall is widely and comprehensively represented by the history, politics, economics, culture and art of modern Kazakhstan.
Astana Hall in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall reveals the history of the development of the capital of Kazakhstan. The hall displays photographs, plans, diagrams, models, archival documents and objects. A dynamic model of Astana is installed in the Astana hall.
Hall of Contemporary Art in National Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan.
The exposition of the hall is represented by works from the end of the last and beginning of the present century. These are artistic works of Kazakh masters - paintings, graphics, lithographs, installations and much more.
Short information on museum of history of Astana:
The idea of creation of new national museum in capital of Kazakhstan has been offered by president Nursultan Nazarbaev on March, 17th, 1998 at session of the state commission on carrying out of year of national unity and national history. With the assignment of the president of Kazakhstan from June, 13th, 2008 akimat Astana and the ministry of culture and information РК have started to create a museum of the international level.
The new national museum of history has no analogues in the Central Asia. The museum settles down on the area more than 74 000 square meters. Here archeologic, ethnographic, historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan - from the beginning of ancient history up to now are presented. In museum of history of Kazakhstan halls Astana, Independent Kazakhstan, gold are presented, to ancient and medieval history, ethnography, halls of the modern art.
The building of museum consists of 7 blocks (from 2 up to 8 floors) total area of 74 000 square meters. From them more than 14 000 square meters borrow display areas, 5 000 square meters - doundation archives. In building of museum expositions halls of ancient and medieval history, modern history, gold, the ethnography, Independent Kazakhstan, Astana, the modern art are placed.
In museum, there are premises for carrying out of exhibitions, restoration workshops, laboratories, libraries with reading room, conference halls. The new national museum of history is the largest in the Central Asia.
The museum is equipped by the modern equipment. For carrying out of expositions modern exhibition technologies are used: unique arcuated the screen, mediafloor, dynamical breadboard model of the central part of modern Astana, numerous media-screens, holograms, light-emitting diode LED-technics, touch boothes, the multimedia guide. In building of museum, in the further, simultaneous accommodation of an exposition of several museums, including museum of history, museum of gold and precious metals, museum of arts is planned.
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author.
Alexander Petrov
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