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Theatre named after Seifullin.

Visiting theatres of Karaganda.
“For those who are lost, there will always be cities that feel like home”
Simon Van Booy.
Individual and groups tours in Kazakhstan.
Karaganda regional Kazakh Drama Theater named after S.Seifullin was opened in 1932. The theatre earned the love of the audience and attention of theater community from the first performances. The artistic success of the troupe was noticed and it was named after the writer Saken Seifullin in 1964.
Many famous Kazakh actors worked on the stage of theatre during many years of creative work. Famous producers and directors worked on creation of theater stages. One of the founders of the theater were masters such Honored artists of Kazakhstan Z. Koshkimbaev, A.Shaymerdenov, T. Zhabaev, National artists of Republic of Kazakhstan J.Shashkina, N. Atakhanov, artists M. Bektenov, S. Tungushbaev, M. Bayazitova N . Zhabayev,T. Sagyntaev and S.Zhunusov and etc.
The talented directors who created the theatre stages: B. Atabaev, M. Bekhozhin, M. Bayserkenuly, A. Dүysebaev, J. Essenbekov, M. Kambarov, M. Kosybaev, A. Kuldanov, A. Mambetov, E. Obaev, G. Oganesyan, Zh.Omarov, A. Orazbekov, A. Salimbayev, E. Tapenov, A. Tokpanov and T. Tungyshbaev.
M. Auezov, K. Amanzholov, T.Ahtanov, S. Balgabaev, K. Bekhozhin, S. Zhunisov, Iran-Gayyp, D. Isabekov, B. Mailin, S.Mukanov, G.Musrepov, T. Nurmaganbetov, S.Seifullin, A. Tarazi, Ch. Aitmatov, J. Anuya, N. Gogol, U. Gadzhibekov, K. Galdoni, G. Griboyedov, Euripides, O. Ioseliani, M. Karim, Lope de Vega, A. Ostrovsky, N. Hikmet, Shakespeare, Schiller and others presented the repertoire of the theater.
The staff of the theatre participated in national and international competitions and festivals, where regularly won honors and received positive reviews from critics.мThe play "Lonely apple tree" by A. Orazbekov took the prize at the national festival dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Zh. Zhabayev (Zheskazgan, 1996).
The stage "Forget Herostratus ..." by G. Gorin received the Grand Prix at the Sixth Republican Festival (Karaganda, 1999). The play "The Road to Kyoto" by M. Gapparov and G. Gapparova won the special prize of the Ministry of Culture of Egypt at the International Festival for Experimental Theatre (Cairo, 2000).
The play "Domalak Ana" by Sh. Murtaza won a prize at the Republican festival of theaters (Petropavlovsk, 2001). The stage "Mother's Field" by Ch. Aitmatov awarded in nomination "For novelty discovery on historical subjects" at the Republican festival (Astana, 2006). The performance "Abay" of M. Auezov won the Grand Prix at the national festival dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Birzhan - Sara (Karaganda, 2009).
The play "Mangurt ..." of work "Day is longer than a century” of Ch. Aitmatov won the "International certificate" at the Twenty-third International Festival (Egypt, 2010). The theater was awarded the laureate in nomination "For the bright embodiment of a legend and myth" at the international festival "Theatre.
Chehov. Yalta” in Yalta city (Krym. Ukraine) in 2011. It should be noted that despite to the age of theatre and all achievements, the theatre did not have own building. The theatre shared the roof with the Karaganda Regional Russian Drama Theatre named after S. Stanislavsky.
The dream of the theatre and audiences of Karaganda came true on December 2008. Karaganda regional Kazakh Drama Theatre finally got a separate building. The new theatre was built on the place of the old "Summer Theatre" at the corner of Bukhara-Zhyrau and Peace Boulevard streets. The theatre is open and waiting for their audience to delight them with new interesting performances.
«The guidebook on Karaganda areas” The edition of department on tourism and sports Karaganda of area.