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Kyzyl-Zhar **.
![Hotel «Kyzyl-Zhar».](
Address: Constitusii str; 54, Petropavlovsk , Kazakhstan
The price of rooms ($ USA):
Single room - 65
Twin room – 95
Check in at - 12.00, check out at - 12.00
The price for accommodation at the hotel including: breakfast isn't included.
Hotel is opened in year, in hotel of 7 floors.
The hotel offers 114 guest rooms, including 60 single rooms, 35 double rooms.
In rooms of hotel is: TV, refrigerator, toilet accessories.
Services of hotel: parking, buffet, hairdressing salon, booking of a taxi around the town Petropavlovsk, order of an avia and railway tickets, cable TV, fax, copier, legal services, wi-fi.