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Tulipa dasystemon.

Trips behind tulips in Kazakhstan.
“A cypress of grace, a tulip
Charm, tenderness pheasant,
Moon in iwan of beauty, balm
Flowing to suffering hearts...”
Alisher Navoi. Poem "Farhad and Shirin".
Photo walks behind tulips in Kazakhstan.
Historical reference of tulip Tulipa dasystemon.
Described by E.L. Regel in 1880 from the outskirts of Almaty. The type is stored in St. Petersburg. There are also old herbarium specimens collected by A.M. Fetisov June 10, 1879 in the upper reaches of the river. Malaya Almatinka.
A brief description of Tulipa dasystemon. A brief description of the tulip hairy stalk. The bulb is small, not more than 1.5 cm thick, with brown papery scales, naked inside or only at the apex pubescent with a few adpressed hairs.
The stem is low, up to 15 - 20 cm tall, with two spaced linear leaves exceeding the flower. The flower is bright yellow, up to 3 cm tall, with pointed lobes, the outer ones along the back are greenish-violet in color.
Filaments are hairy, cylindrical, yellow, like anthers. Ovary with long style, fruit up to 2.5 cm long and 1 cm wide. The number of normally developed seeds is up to 159. Reproduction is seed and vegetative.
Distribution in Kazakhstan Tulipa dasystemon.
Trans-Ili Alatau, Ketmen, Terskey Alatau ridges, partly - the Kirghiz ridge (Almaty and Zhambyl regions). Some literary sources provide information about the growth of this species within the entire Tien Shan. However, in the Kazakh part of the Western Tien-Shan, despite careful searches, we failed to find it.
Cultivation of Tulipa dasystemon.
First tested in St. Petersburg by E.L. Regel until 1880. Distributed in the collections of many botanical gardens in Central Asia, Russia, Western Europe. In the latter case, another species is often described under this name - a late tulip (T. tarda Stapf). In Almaty, it blooms well and bears fruit, gives self-sowing.
Individuals transplanted with bulbs reproduce vegetatively, bloom without digging for more than 12 years.
Practical significance of Tulipa dasystemon.
A very decorative, easy-to-cultivate miniature species, most promising for rock gardens.
Protection in Kazakhstan of Tulipa dasystemon.
It is protected on the territory of the Almaty Reserve and the Ile-Alatau Natural Park.
“Tulips of Kazakhstan”. Almaty, LTD “Almatykitap baspasy”. 2010, 272 p. Illustrated.
Alexander Petrov.