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Tulipa tetraphylla.

Excursions behind tulips in Almaty province.
“Everything in excess is opposed to nature”
Botanical Tours Kazakhstan.
Tulipa tetraphylla Regel. 10 - 30 cm tall, bulb ovoid, 1,5 - 2 cm thick, with black , coriaceous, adpressed by hairy tunics at the apex inside.
Stem is glabrous; leaves 3 - 6 (7) in number, very connivent, deflexed, curly, glabrous, ciliated, nearly lorate, exceeding the flower, the lower is 1 – 1,5 cm wide.
Flowers 1 - 2 (4) in number, drooping in bud; perianth lobes are 2 - 4 cm long, acute or blunt-pointed, bright yellow, the outer with tints of violet on the outside, greenish on the back, oblong, the inner are oboblong.
Stamens 3 times shorter than perianth, filaments are glabrous, yellow, broadened in upper part, gradually narrowed to the base, anthers are yellow, oblong, 7 - 8 mm long; ovary slightly shorter than stamens with short style.
Flowering time in April – May. Distribution in Kazakhstan: Grows on rocky slopes. Occurs in Zailiisky Kungei Alatau.
“Tulips of Kazakhstan”. Almaty, LTD “Almatykitap baspasy”. 2010, 272 p. Illustrated.
Alexander Petrov.