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Zenaidae Tulipa.

History of tulips of Kazakhstan.
“Snow is both sides of the same page
It covers the grave and the tulip”
Richard L. Ratliff.
Botanical tours to gorge Merke in Zhambyl province.
Tulipa Zenaidae Vved. Stem with tint of violet, 10 – 15 cm tall, in shady places up to 40 cm. Bulb about 3 cm in diameter, in coriaceous, black or black-brown tunics, at the apex and at the base is adpressed hairy-pubescent inside.
Leaves 3, large, oblong, glaucous-pale-green with bright ribs, glabrous. One flower, yellow, red on the outside, 5 cm long; stem short; the outer petals are oblong or narrow-rhombic.
Inner are oboblong. Flower center in form of black star. Filaments are yellow or black. Anthers are yellow.
Flowering the Tulipa Zenaidae time in April – May. Distribution in Kazakhstan: Endemic; grows on fine earth rubble slopes in low mountain belt among grass-fescue steppes and brushwood, Kyrgyz Range in the territory of Kazakhstan.
Registered in the Red Book of Kazakhstan.
“Tulips of Kazakhstan”. Almaty, LTD “Almatykitap baspasy”. 2010, 272 p. Illustrated.
Alexander Petrov.