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Onions glade in Achiktash valley.

Mountaineering camp of climbers on Pamir.
“To travel is to live”
Hans Christian Andersen.
Tours from Tajikistan to Achiktash valley.
The onions glade in the valley Achiktash, located from northern party of Lenin peak, is at height of 3800 meters above sea level. The onions glade is a greater green, Alpine lawn, from two parties surrounded by deep ravines on which bottom the muddy rivers filled by suspensions flow.
The onions glade is protected from cold winds from three parties and only on the north the kind on open space Alay of a valley opens. Ancient heaps of moraines which break to northern glaciers of Lenin peak slipping up to deep ravines and to the rivers Tuyuk-Suu and Achik-Tash go down from the south to a glade.
The onions glade from the east and the West is surrounded meridian by the rivers merging they form the river Achik-Tash. The onion which has denominated this glade grows In vicinities of the Onions glade.
In July the glade is similar to a flower carpet from an abundance of colors and magnificent greens, among a grass to find here and mushrooms. Lenin peak is closed by a high rocky crest, on the West and the north the majestic panorama of surrounding mountains opens.
In the east the gorge in a direction to pass of Travellers, northern-to the east behind hills peak Peter is located.
Authority and photo:
Alexander Petrov.