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Varzob mountaineering camp.

Ecological tours in mountains of Tajikistan.
“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”
Anita Desai.
Groups tours in Tajikistan.
Mountaineering camp Varzob (originally was called the Spark) has been opened by the Central advice of the Voluntary sports society the Petrel in 1952 in a valley of the river Varzob in 54 kilometers from Dushanbe.
The sports branch of mountaineering camp Varzob has been located in gorge Arg, near to lakes Alaudin in mountains Fany. In 1960 Tajikistan has been passed to the Central Advice of the Voluntary sports society.
Known in the past all over the country mountaineering camp, by quantity of ascentions 5 - 6 categories of complexity, were one of the most sports. The command of instructors successfully participated in the championships of the USSR and Central Asia on mountaneering.
Director E.S.Abdulaev has spent many forces for development of a mountaineering camp. Methodical and sports life surprising people - chiefs of a teaching department E.G.Sogrina, O.Kapitanov, Glushko have organized, Martyuysheva, A.Haritonov.
Old residents - remember the instructor in Varzobе the unique instructor climate created by Oleg Kapitanov and Alexey Rusjaevym on a verandah of camp. Mountaineering camp Varzob, one of the best camps of the Soviet period here years twenty does not spend climbing gathering, till now was on preservation.
In 20 years, after the rough, stopped climbing life, on July, 12th, 2011 on a platform climbing sports base Varzob sports flags are lifted. Public organization the Climbing club of city of Magnitogorsk from 23 participants has spent sports gathering.
Participants have spent educational employment on rocks above camp and have made acclimatization ascentions on tops Yakum, May and Tupolev. It is a little having had a rest, with the approach from camp four groups descended on Tupolev top.
Finishing sports ascentions took place to traverse on Yagnob to a wall. In total have made 43 successful ascentions. Ygnob a wall or Zamin-Koror - the monolithic rocky plumb which has stretched more than on kilometer upwards and on some kilometers in the parties, shook by the terrible magnificence and power.
The nature and a relief around Yagnob walls is very interesting. Narrow steep canyons smoothly pass in fine valleys, high passes are surrounded by beautiful tops with glacier and rocky slopes.
Low under a wall, in a place of merge of the river Pindor and Yagnob kishlak Margib has picturesquely settled down.
Александра Петрова.