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Independence museum in Ashgabad.

Eco tours in Turkmenistan.
"All of them are inseparably connected with history of Turkmenistan, national culture, economy and blossoming of Motherland. The most valuable exhibits are the important historical sources and they cast light on life and culture of Turkmenistan and its achievements"
Phototours over Ashgabad.
„Independence“branch of Main national museum of Turkmenistan is located in the building, erected to the 10-th anniversary of Independence of our state. Exposition of this museum consists of two floors.
On the first floor is information about the development of our country from the day of gaining Independence and up to the present day, economic and political relations and about the provinces of the country.
On the second floor is told about history of Turkmenistan. Here you can find rich information about historical personalities. By means of special maps we can know about the states founded by Turkmens and their geographical location.
Turkmen classic literature also has a sufficient place. Here are exposed old-aged and modern jewelry and ancient gold and silver coins. Museum exhibits, which concentrate people’s everyday life and culture, are important historical sources.
The main task of museum is to collect works of art, historical and cultural values, concerning Turkmen people, learn them, keep them in order and create conditions for their viewing. The major part of museum exhibits was collected during the years of Independence.
All of them are inseparably connected with history of Turkmenistan, national culture, economy and blossoming of Motherland. The most valuable exhibits are the important historical sources and they cast light on life and culture of Turkmenistan and its achievements.
Halls of museum tell about the relations between the past and future, traditions in culture and art, which were passed on from one generation to another and the place, which they take in the world culture.
Alexander Petrov.