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Turquoise lake in Kara-Kum desert.

Trip from Ashgabad on gas crater of Darwaza.
"The research creates new knowledge"
Neil Armstrong.
Trip on Turquoise lake crater in Kara Kum Desert.
The turquoise lake (crater) is located at an altitude of 825 meters above sea level, located in the northern part of the Unguz salt marsh depression, in the northern part of the Central low-lying Karakum, 233 kilometers north of Ashgabat, 82.1 kilometers north and slightly west of the Erbent village , 18 meters west of the Ashgabat-Dashoguz highway, 23 kilometers south and slightly west of the Darvaz gas crater in the Bakherden etrap in the north of the Akhal velayat.
This is a unique attraction in the Karakum Desert, which is confined to the Unguz salt marsh depression, which stretches from the south-east to the north-west. The Kyzyldorgul hillock is located 500 meters northeast of the crater, 129 meters above sea level. In the eastern part of Turquoise Lake, 4 kilometers away, there is the Chaarli valley. The crater is approximately 15 meters deep, with a maximum diameter of 58 meters.
A crater filled with water that has an amazing shade of turquoise and is called the Turquoise Lake. Experts say that with the help of directional drilling from denser areas, two of the three deposits can be exploited (apparently, the reserves here are industrial - in particular, the gas lies quite close to the surface of the earth). In the area with Lake Turquoise, where water-gas contact is allowed in the reservoir, production is apparently no longer possible.
Geographic coordinates of Turquoise Lake (crater): N40 ° 02'42.66 "E58 ° 25'42.23"
Alexander Petrov.