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Mud crater in Darvaza.

Tours on gas crater of Darwaza.
"You study at yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow. The main thing - not to stop asking questions … Never lose sacred inquisitiveness"
Albert Einstein.
Trip from Ashgabad on Mud crater on Darvaza valley.
The Mud crater Darvaza is in the valley of Darwaza, in a northern part of Akhal the velayat, to the south of the settlement of Darwaza. From West side at distance of 4 kilometers the Darvaza Mud crater is adjoined by the valley Odolanshor.
The crater has the failure form, it is a unique sight in the Kara Kum Desert. Depth of a crater is, about, 15 meters. At the bottom of a crater - the bubbling liquid dirt of light gray color.
Alexander Petrov.